In the markets it comes out tomorrow, Wednesday, June 17, the Greek Statethrough an auction for the reissuance of a 5-year bond.

According to his statement Public Debt Management Organization (PDO)an auction will be held for the reissue of Greek Government bonds, with a fixed interest rate of 3.875%, maturing on March 12, 2029, in intangible form.

Purpose of reissue

The purpose of the reissuance is to satisfy investment demand and at the same time to facilitate the functioning of the secondary bond market.

The amount to be auctioned will be up to 250 million euros and the settlement date will be Wednesday, July 24, 2024 (T+5).

Only Primary Dealers (ND) will participate in the auction by submitting, through HDAT, exclusively up to 5 competitive bids each, which must be submitted by 12:00 noon (pm), local time, on the 17 of July 2024 and which are satisfied up to the amount of the auctioned amount, at the price of the last bid accepted at the auction (cut off price).

Only competitive bids will be accepted at the auction. The auction in question will be taken into account for the evaluation of the B.D. while no commission will be given for the Bonds.

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