In the Marne, this radar mistakenly flashes motorists who receive fines

by time news

“We are the only ones to have taken plums at the roundabouts of Beaumont-sur-Vesle, the departmental 944, at 80 km / h when it is limited to 90? We are going to challenge because we got flashed 4 times at 85 km/h! “, plague Alysse on Facebook. Like this motorist, there have been many messages on social networks for the past ten days.

At the origin of this grumbling, a construction radar visibly installed on December 15 and which flashes drivers on this (ironed) national road at 90 km / h even if they are traveling below this maximum authorized speed, reports the regional daily newspaper l’Union.

The gendarmes of the territory, in the barracks of Taissy, should thus have received a dozen calls this Monday morning after motorists received the first tickets linked to this hiccup, even reports France Bleu. Calls to challenge fines on which the speed retained is between 80 and 90 km / h while the signs allow a speed of 90 km / h.

The gendarmes invite to challenge the fine

According to the soldiers of the local gendarmerie, the radar could have been incorrectly set to a limit of 80 km / h. The gendarmerie invites all motorists affected by this error to contest the fine received. « They must make a request for exemption, ”explains a policeman to the Union. To do this, they are invited to challenge their fine on the website of the National Agency for the Automated Processing of Offenses (ANTAI).

They should thus escape fines and also the loss of points. This Monday evening, we still did not know if this site radar had been reprogrammed. Caution is also required on this road axis (RD944) where three radars, including two construction sites, have been identified by our colleagues over a distance of 12 km.

A misadventure that is reminiscent of a similar story that occurred last summer in the Gers, where a communication error between the departmental council and the state services had led to unexpected and massively contested fines.

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