In the midst of pension reform, the hypothetical convergence of the European lefts

by time news

Ct is a return to a demonstration in the permanence of the deputy La France insoumise (LFI) Danièle Obono, Tuesday, March 28, near the Gare du Nord, in Paris. British “observers” of the French social movement are there, seated, after a day spent alongside the elected official. In a very small committee: a doctor, a nurse leader of the “NHS workers say NO! “, a teacher. “The resistance of the French, their ability to say no, is inspiring. They know the strength of their collective ability, while we are just beginning to discover it.measures the second, Harry Eccles.

In the Parisian demonstrations against the pension reform, one can count each week on the presence, often discreet, of European guests. Rania Svigkou, secretary general of Syriza, in full preparation for the Greek legislative elections of May 21, was in the procession the same day. Raoul Hedebouw, from the Labor Party of Belgium, a left-wing party with distant Maoist roots, came on 7 February. The time, in particular, to greet Jean-Luc Mélenchon and to parade under a banner with the message of solidarity from Belgium. “The result of the struggle in France will be a parameter to be closely monitored to find out whether our rulers are going to apply their own reform”he notes, at a time when the payment of the first installment of the European plan is conditional on an adaptation of the Belgian pension system.

On the Spanish side, several figures of Podemos, including Irene Montero, Minister for Equality, and Pablo Iglesias, founder of the movement, signed, on March 10, a platform in The worldexpressing, with other European elected representatives, a “unfailing support for the French social movement”. “Similar reforms have also been carried out in many of our European countries, always relying on the same refrain and provoking the same catastrophe everywhere”they write, mentioning the German and Danish cases, but never Spain.

Also read the column: Article reserved for our subscribers Pension reform: “We, national deputies, MEPs and political leaders of the European left, provide unfailing support to the French social movement”

It is, in fact, difficult to explain this solidarity, when the coalition of Spanish leftists formed by the socialists and the Unidas Podemos alliance validated a reform which leaves intact a horizon of 67 years, although with 37.5 annuities of contributions. Legal age or age limit, weight of special schemes, each European pension system has its particularities, which makes comparisons difficult, even fueling the vision of a France decidedly more reluctant than its neighbors to reforms passed without incident elsewhere.

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