In the Narva care home, all the places are occupied. The project of another house is already ready

by time news

2023-07-24 10:05:18

A place in the Narva care home is somewhat cheaper than in similar institutions in many other municipalities of Ida-Virumaa. Photo: Alexander Myasoedov

Since July 1 of this year, the monthly cost of a place in the Narva care home has increased, and now it is 1,050 euros for an ordinary department, and 1,150 euros for a dementia department. However, the cost of this highly demanded social service in Narva is still one of the lowest in Ida-Virumaa and in Estonia as a whole.

In July, due to reforms in the Estonian social sector, the system of contracts for those clients who are cared for around the clock in care homes was changed. Tatyana Stolfat, head of the Narva Center for Social Work, told Narva Gazeta that the meaning of the changes is that now the state has begun to help finance those who need this service, but have difficulty paying for it.

A month ago, on June 15, the Narva city council approved the “Procedure for Placement in Social Institutions,” as required by changes in Estonian legislation. “Due to the fact that round-the-clock care services are being reformed in our country, each local government is obliged to “paint” this procedure. It is not much different from the one that we have implemented before, but we had to correct it taking into account the recommendations of the state legislative act,” comments Tatyana Stolfat, who is also the chairwoman of the Narva City Assembly. The changes adopted at the local level, according to her, created a “hot summer” for the Narva social workers, as a lot of work had to be done with the processing of a substantial amount of documentation.

The state came to the rescue
“The government allocated 1.9 million euros to Narva to reduce the financial burden on the relatives of those clients whose income does not cover the cost of staying in a care home,” explains Stolfat. – Simply put, if the pension of a client of the care home was not enough for this payment before, then relatives paid the missing amount. Now this difference is covered by local self-government, using appropriate state funding.

Head of the Narva Center for Social Work Tatjana Stolfat: “Now the state has begun to help finance those who need round-the-clock care, but have difficulty paying for it.” Photo: Alexander Myasoedov

– And if the state money allocated to Narva is not enough for the entire required amount of such compensation for all those in our care home?
“So, the missing part will be covered by the local government from its own budget,” said Stolfat.

At the same time, the head of the Narva Social Work Center clarified that the cost of a place of 1,050 euros is not the limit, since there is a widespread rise in prices for goods and services, so pricing for those who provide round-the-clock care may also increase.

If we compare Narva with other local governments of Ida-Virumaa, after July 1, the fee for a place in a care home in many cities has also increased: for example, in Alutaguz it is 1200 euros, in Vahtra – 1150 euros, in Kohtla-Järve – 1100 euros, in the Care Center in Jõhvi and the Health Center in Kiviõli – 1200 euros each.

Need another care home
To date, the Narva care home is fully occupied, all 132 places (this number is determined by the state license for it) are occupied. According to Tatiana Stolfat, there is a queue for placement in the Narva care home, and it is quite long. “There are not enough places in care homes not only in Narva, but throughout Estonia,” she states. “Our society is aging, the relatives of our wards need to work, so the round-the-clock care service is in great demand.”

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The government allocated 1.9 million euros to Narva to reduce the financial burden on the relatives of those clients whose income does not cover the cost of staying in a care home.

For many years, it has been said at various levels that Narva needs a serious increase in the number of 24-hour care places for a long time. “Today, we already have a construction project for the construction of a new care home, it has passed the examination, there is an economic justification for the need for this facility for our city, and even a building permit has been received,” Stolfat told NG.

Narvitian Nadezhda believes that round-the-clock care for relatives who need it is a great help to the family. Photo: Alexander Myasoedov

According to the project, the new care home for Narva will consist of ten detached houses with conditions close to family ones, plus two more buildings – one for staff, it will also have a medical office, the second – for spending free time with appropriate conditions. Now it all depends on whether there is money to build it, says Stolfat.

life stories
In the Narva care home, the NG journalist had a chance to talk with Nadezhda, a Nadezhda from Narva, who came to visit her husband who was here and took him out in a wheelchair for a walk in the fresh air. “The husband is paralyzed by 50% – he doesn’t walk, he doesn’t speak,” she shared. “It’s good that the conditions here are exceptional, I have absolutely no complaints – everything is always in order, my husband is fed and well-groomed.” Nadezhda states that she is quite satisfied with the payment for a place in the care home and that she considers it normal if her husband is here in the care home. “Many discouraged me from putting my husband here, but I have my own opinion. It is impossible to create the same good conditions at home, it is normal not to wash a paralyzed person there, not to take a walk with him, as here. We live on the 7th floor, although there is an elevator, but you can’t drag a stroller up the stairs, you can’t take it out to the balcony – the doors are narrow,” says Nadezhda.

The story of another interlocutor of mine is completely different, but the quite cheerful Galina, who, according to her, is already 86 years old, lives in the care home of Narva, also does not complain. “It’s very nice here,” she says. – This, of course, is not my home (it is always better in my own home), but I like the way they look after me here. And they feed well. I would like it better, but I understand that now everything around is so expensive. The people who work here are all very well-mannered and kind.”

These handicrafts are created by the inhabitants of the care home of Narva. Photo: Alexander Myasoedov

I ask how she got into the care home. “I have been in Narva since 1959, I came here to work,” she replies. – And as my husband and I retired, they fell ill.

My husband died, so here I am. My daughter and grandson live in St. Petersburg, so there is no one to take care of me.”

Galina has been in the Narva care home for six years, and during this time her health has improved significantly, as she herself claims. “At first, I lay flat, didn’t walk, didn’t move. She was seriously ill, even in a coma for a whole month. But I got out, and here they gradually brought me to my senses, now I walk on my own legs, I lean on the stroller, ”she says proudly.

In general, mostly all good people come across around, thanks to them, – Galina convinces me at parting.

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