in the National Assembly, the day after and outstanding questions

by time news

FactualThe first deputies of the 16th legislature presented themselves at the Palais-Bourbon on Monday to complete their formalities. The unpublished results of the June 19 election upset this usually euphoric moment.

He has been elected for only a few hours, but Arthur Delaporte does not want to waste time. Suit on the shoulders, the new socialist deputy of the 2e constituency of Calvados is already at the National Assembly, Monday, June 20 in the morning, to take its bearings and accomplish its “welcome day”.

Once all the formalities had been settled, and after having greeted a few officials from the Palais-Bourbon, he proudly displayed his new deputy’s briefcase in front of the journalists. Inside, a red white blue scarf, the cockade, “to put it on the car”or even the regulations of the National Assembly, “to make points of order” in the hemicycle, he already anticipates parliamentary contests like an old veteran.

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Although he confessed his « intimidation » Faced with the magnitude of his new function, the 30-year-old elected official, who is one of the 302 new faces of the Assembly, is already attacking head on, castigating “the large number of RN deputies [Rassemblement national] elected”. “We will have to fight the battle against the far right that the majority has allowed to prosper”, launches the socialist deputy invested by the New Popular Ecological and Social Union (Nupes). Sunday evening, the RN obtained 89 elected officials, a first in its history. In the aftermath of such singular legislative elections which saw the re-elected president lose his majority and the extremes impose themselves as the main opposition forces, the atmosphere is already heavy among the deputies who displayed, for the most part, on Monday, a serious mine .

Arthur Delaporte, deputy (PS) of Calvados, at the National Assembly, in Paris, June 20, 2022.

This day after in the National Assembly has no equivalent for the re-elected parliamentarians who come in front of the cameras to comment on the historic results of the day before. “Complicated, serious, perilous, interesting. » It is in these terms that the deputy of the Republicans (LR) Annie Genevard approaches this third mandate. While LR could become the pivotal force of the presidential coalition so that the government can have its texts adopted, despite a group that has grown from 100 deputies to around sixty “The French wanted to rebalance things. »judges the deputy of Doubs who retains above all “the very notable progress of the RN”.

“We are all a bit lost”

This progression of the extreme right and abstention “should alert us”considers for her part the deputy La République en Marche (LRM) of Yvelines, Aurore Bergé, who crosses bravado the Salle des Quatre-Colonnes that morning with her colleague from the North Violette Spillebout. “Eighty-nine RN deputies, everyone had underestimated him, lamented the deputy vice-president of the LRM group. We must act quickly and get to work now. The rest is just palaver, which does not interest many people. »

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