In the National Assembly, the “full employment” bill adopted thanks to the support of the right

by time news

2023-10-11 00:15:06
The National Assembly before the question session to the government, October 10, 2023. MIGUEL MEDINA / AFP

The result of an agreement between the presidential camp and the Les Républicains (LR) party, the “full employment” bill was adopted at first reading by the National Assembly on Tuesday, October 10, by 310 votes to 251.

In addition to the three groups of the presidential coalition – Renaissance, MoDem and Horizons – only the right-wing deputies voted for this text presented by the executive as a “new stage” towards full employment – ​​i.e. a rate of 5% of the active population unemployed, compared to 7.1% currently – by 2027. All the formations of the New Ecological and Social Popular Union (Nupes), the National Rally (RN) and a large part of the elected representatives of the Liberties, Independents, Overseas and Territories (LIOT) group voted against.

Adopted in July by a Senate dominated by the right and the center, the bill reorganizes the public employment service by creating France Travail – in place of Pôle emploi –, and reforms the active solidarity income (RSA), through a “reciprocal engagement contract”, which forces most beneficiaries to carry out around fifteen hours of activities per week. This flagship measure was absent from the first version of the text.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Full employment, an accessible horizon in 2027?

While the executive excluded a minimum number of hours of activities to be carried out, favoring monitoring “personalized”, the Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt, finally found common ground at the Palais-Bourbon with the LR group of sixty-two elected officials, essential to obtain a majority. And he supported an amendment from the deputy (LR) for Hauts-de-Seine Philippe Juvin. From now on, the project provides that the payment of the RSA is conditional on at least fifteen hours of activity per week, without ceiling, with the exception of “people experiencing particular difficulties (…) because of their state of health, their disability” as well as “single parents without childcare solution for a child under 12”.

Tightening of RSA payment conditions

MEPs added that the duration could be reduced depending on “the individual situation” of the beneficiary. “We believe that part of our social system is corrupted. It “disincentivizes” people to work, instead of bringing them back to work. Let everyone who can work, work, justified Mr. Juvin on Tuesday from the podium of the National Assembly.

A few minutes later, the deputy (LIOT) from the North Benjamin Saint-Huile deplored this “expensive wedding” between the presidential camp and LR. “You gave in and considered that the only possible alliance was with LR”he lambasted at Mr. Dussopt sitting, facing him, on the bench of ministers.

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