In the political sphere, a Catholic should not hide – Kurier Wileński

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Politics and faith are issues that seem to be separated by a gulf. Do politicians have time, or maybe willingness to pray?

I think that for a believer there is always a desire. Although faith and politics seem like things that are difficult to put together, they can be reconciled. Already the social teaching of the Church says that political activity is one of many forms of social activity. A Catholic must participate in this social and political life, otherwise he will not be visible. Christian values ​​will not be visible, the desire for public service based on these values ​​will not be visible. When we talk about Christian values, we often think that these are ideological matters that concern only the family. However, in the social teaching of the Catholic Church, it is said that this is a broader concept. It includes truth as a value, justice as well as personal freedom and love understood as caritas. These are the four basic Christian values ​​on which public service and politics should be based. As Pope Francis said, a Catholic must be visible in social and political life. We are responsible for our society and it cannot be otherwise.

Do members of the Lithuanian Seimas willingly take advantage of the opportunities offered by participation in a prayer group?

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A politician who wants to will always find time for it. We always meet in the morning, once a month, before the start of the working day. Those who can always come. That’s what makes me happy. Out of 141 members of the Lithuanian Seimas, I managed to gather a group of 33 people. They are also joined by employees of the parliamentary office. In the hall of St. John Paul II, we meet for a common prayer to talk about various matters that are important to us. We always read the Holy Bible, it is a reference point for us and our political life. These tips we follow are extremely uplifting.

What were the circumstances of the creation of the parliamentary prayer group?

The prayer group was established in 2008, out of an internal need of several employees of the parliamentary office, later it was joined by deputies. In addition, under President Valdas Adamkus, the tradition of national prayer breakfasts was initiated – it was initiated in 1953 in the USA by President Dwight Eisenhower. This tradition found fertile ground in the Lithuanian Seym.

How did you come up with the proposal to add more Members to the prayer group?

At the beginning I received a proposal from Mrs. Asta Kubilienė that I should take care of this group. I agreed very willingly. At the beginning I did not know how I would lead it, but I approached each of the deputies and invited them to pray together. It was received very differently. Someone immediately declared themselves to be non-believers, someone hesitated, and someone joined very willingly.

I managed to start the tradition of common pre-Christmas prayer in the period leading up to Christmas. This prayer turned out to be very necessary. Such a joint meeting took place for the first time in 2021 and right after it I received a lot of thanks and a lot of personal reflections. The employees felt it deeply. It gave me strength to organize such a meeting also in the next year, 2022. When I see that people need it, I am very happy.

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Wafer meeting of the parliamentary prayer group, December 20, 2022.
| Photo Ilona Šilenkova /

Who usually chairs prayer meetings in the Sejm?

He is a Dominican friar, Father Bernardas Verbickas, who was sent to us by the Archbishop of Vilnius. He is a very responsible person, he encourages and motivates us and, despite his young age, gives us valuable advice. We are glad that we have such a priest who understands where he prays. It is known that coming to a place like the Sejm and giving advice is not an easy task and certainly not every priest would undertake such a task. It’s a difficult mission.

And from the point of view of politics – how do you manage to combine politics and faith?

It’s hard, we’re public figures. It also depends on how we want to be received. According to some, prayer is an intimate and personal sphere, I don’t really think so. People also pay attention to the spiritual life of a politician. They expect that if a politician is a believer, e.g. a Catholic, he will be guided by Christian principles in his life. Sometimes it is difficult to meet the requirements of the voter or the requirements of the Catholic Church. Although we all make mistakes, as politicians and Catholics, we must set an example and follow the Decalogue in life.

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As life shows, prayer in the Sejm can sometimes not only unite, but even divide … I mean the pre-Easter meeting organized by the president of the Sejm, to which Fr. Verbickas.

All deputies were invited to the meeting, but it was very sad that Fr. chaplain Verbickas as the prayer leader. He was invited by Fr. Evaldas Darulis. What struck me most about this prayer was that it was done without the sign of the cross, which for me as a Catholic is unacceptable. When we start praying in the Holy Spirit, it seems to me that it has a different value and meaning.

Easter is approaching. How will you spend them?

Very traditional. We will participate in the Easter Triduum with the family. Baptismal promises will be renewed on Holy Saturday. On Sunday morning we get up for the resurrection, we go with a basket with food to the church in Butrymance, where children participate in a procession around the church. This is probably the most beautiful moment after the entire 40-day Lent. Then, of course, Christmas breakfast with the family, visiting relatives.

Did you develop an attachment to faith from your family home?

The person who introduced us to prayer and united our whole family around prayer was my late wife. grandmother. It was she who rooted in me and in other family members the need for faith. Even though Grandma is no longer with us, and we have all grown up and have our own families, we still feel this community.

What would you like to wish the readers of “Kurier Wileński” for the upcoming holidays?

In today’s situation, when many people find it really difficult, both in a geopolitical and private sense, when there are different views in the family, I would like, first of all, consent. So that we know that our family community is above all this and that despite our differences in worldviews, we are united by the desire to be together.

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Article published in the magazine “Kurier Wileński” No. 14(41) 08-014/04/2023

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