In the Pyrenees, Emmanuel Macron calls for “a return to calm and harmony”

by time news

His coming was expected. Even before his re-election, Emmanuel Macron had indicated that he would go to the grave of his grandmother, in Montgaillard (Hautes-Pyrénées). In “Pyrenean pilgrimage”, Emmanuel Macron took the opportunity to make a long walkabout in Barbazan-Debat, at the gates of Tarbes.

Next to the square where the market is held, the church has already struck the 12 strokes of noon when he arrives for this second trip since his re-election, after Cergy (Val-d’Oise), Wednesday. The re-elected president wants to contact the French to “hear, listen, continue to forge convictions before taking the first decisions”, he explained. The small market is crowded. “We have never seen so many people in Barbazan! laughs a butcher behind his stall.

In this small town of 3,400 inhabitants, Emmanuel Macron came out on top in the second round (56.42%) against Marine Le Pen (43.58%), as well as in the first, where they were touch-and-go with 26% of the votes against 24%. Coming to talk about rurality, the President of the Republic is overtaken by the social theme. Between handshakes and chain selfies, he is regularly questioned about purchasing power.

“He told me that he was doing what was necessary, but we want action”

“Small checks are good, but we want real salaries,” says a woman. Another challenges him on pensions. Emmanuel Macron repeats it: 1,100 euros minimum, “that’s the objective”. To the question “when?” he replies “beginning of next year”. “He told me that he was doing what was necessary, but we want action,” reacts the retiree afterwards, still moved by her meeting with the president.

For more than two and a half hours, Emmanuel Macron takes his time and talks to the inhabitants of Barbazan-Debat. REUTERS/Caroline Blumberg

A little further on, a man says: “Think about giving employees a better distribution of wealth. The gap between rich and poor is growing. Until now, you have been boasted of being the president of the rich, become the president of the French again, ”enjoins the one who is a union delegate. A little further on it is on the price of fuel that a young man, self-employed, challenges him: “When you start, you want to fight but the increase hurts a lot. »

For more than two and a half hours, Emmanuel Macron takes his time. It moves very slowly through the small aisles of the market, responding to requests. He calls for “a return to calm and harmony”. “There is an appeasement to be had with everyone. We are coming out of this presidential campaign where there was sometimes a little tension. “Purchasing power is at the center of concerns, “we see it”, says the Head of State who promises “a package in the summer” for the first measures concerning this theme, as well as school and health.

As for the composition of his next government, the president is tempering. “Everything in its time,” he replied to journalists who asked him about his future Prime Minister. We must first complete this mandate. We are in a phase of settling “

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