In the ranks of the judicial police, the reform of the national police continues to hit

by time news

In the hierarchical world of the police, the initiative did not really arouse the enthusiasm of the big bosses. And, with four months of professional elections which promise to be very disputed, it also leaves doubtful most of the professional organizations of police officers. After one “virtual general meeting” on an encrypted messaging system organized on August 17, the statutes of the National Association of the Judicial Police (ANPJ), “apolitical and without union label”, were filed at the beginning of the following week at the prefecture of Yvelines. Objet social : “ensure the defense” and promote “the place of judicial police investigators and of any person called upon to contribute to a judicial police mission in criminal proceedings”. Neither revolt nor revolution but, for sure, a first since the creation of mobile brigades by Georges Clemenceau, then Minister of the Interior, in 1907.

“Sacrifice of the judicial police”, “opaque and deadly reform” : Thursday, August 25, the terms used in the press release which formalized the creation of the association testify to the concern, if not the anger, in the face of the vast project of reorganization of the police wanted by the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, and implemented by the director general of the national police, Frédéric Veaux.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers A national police reform project irritates the judicial police and worries the magistrates

This reform provides for the creation of a single person in charge of all the police services in each department in order to put an end to the operation in “organ pipes” of the police, where each service (public security, CRS, border police and judiciary) reports only to its central management. The PJ, which cultivates its independence and treats the “top of the spectrum” of crime, would be absorbed into a single sector dedicated to investigation, alongside investigation services dependent on public security, which absorb the shock of everyday crime. Such a merger, believe almost all the officials of the PJ, would condemn their “house” to pure and simple disappearance.

Skill Slump

“The transfer of 4,000 officials from PJ to handle the 3.5 million procedures recorded by public safety each year would perhaps lead to a one-time and limited improvement in certain places, observes Yann Bauzin, president of the ANPJ. But at what cost ? The abandonment of the high spectrum of complex crime, which is our core business and where the PJ benefits from unanimously recognized expertise. This reform claims to fight against everyday crime, but when the PJ challenges a head of the network, there are a hundred offenses that will not be committed in the street. » This double argument of a loss of autonomy and a collapse of advanced service skills convinced: in addition to the 157 founding members of the association, 140 members sent the payment of their subscription of 10 euros in less than forty -eight hours.

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