In the south-east of Turkey, the farm with 15,000 scorpions

by time news

Metin Örenler is one of the few Turkish citizens to have obtained the precious license to breed scorpions. In its premises of 550 m2in the region of Urfa [sud-est du pays]he raises theAndroctonus crassicauda a species of scorpion native to southeastern Anatolia and extracts venom from it.

This venom is known to be effective as an antidote to the venom of all kinds of scorpions and snakes around the world, but it also finds many other uses. So far, these toxins are used in Turkey only in the form of antivenom, but Metin Örenler intends to extend their national use to the medical sector.

His farm of a particular kind welcomes for the

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T24 (Istanbul)

T24 is an online newspaper created in 2009. It offers general news articles, especially on Turkish domestic politics and has a wide range of editorialists, journalists but also academics and committed intellectuals, who deliver their analyzes and point of view on current events on a daily basis. He follows a political line rather close to the liberal left, in opposition to the conservative and nationalist press.

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