In the south it is raining, to the delight of the visitors

by time news

2023-10-27 09:29:24

Pure happiness: The joy of fog and rain is great. Image: Picture Alliance

When the Arabian Peninsula swelters under the blazing sun in summer, it rains in the south of Oman. By a quirk of nature, a dense blanket of clouds hangs over Salalah. The Omanis then head out into the countryside and celebrate.

Kuwait reports 50 degrees Celsius, Qatar 47 degrees, the Omani capital Muscat 43 degrees. The Arabian Peninsula from Saudi Arabia to Dubai melts in the sun under a cloudless sky. All of Arabia? No! One region resists the heat: Salalah in southern Oman. Due to a quirk of nature, a dense cloud hangs over the country from mid-June to mid-September. It comes from India with the southwest monsoon and clings to the Dhofar Mountains, which rise to over 2,000 meters a few kilometers from the coast.

Clouds want to rain down – and this does so extensively in the Khareef season. Drizzle droplets then float in the air. It rains mainly in the mornings and evenings, around the clock in the mountains. The area is soaked with moisture. It drips from shiny, wet leaves, clouds of mist hang in densely vegetated valleys, waterfalls cascade down from the rocks. In the limestone pools, fish swim in crystal-clear water, and mustard-yellow frogs hop quickly away when human feet approach. This lush green jungle is a miracle of nature – it appears to be a paradise to the desert-stricken people of Arabia.

#south #raining #delight #visitors

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