In the United Kingdom, the death of Elizabeth II upsets the launch of the aid plan on energy, the railway and postal workers suspend their strike

by time news

The disappearance of the sovereign has multiple consequences. While the United Kingdom woke up on Friday September 9 for the first time in seventy years without its queen, the death of Elizabeth II is shaking up the political, socio-economic, cultural and sporting world of Britain. The ten-day period of national mourning redraws the agendas of the coming weeks in all circles, while inflation due to the war in Ukraine continues.

If the conservative Liz Truss was able to form her government after being officially appointed Prime Minister, Tuesday, September 6, at Balmoral Castle (Scotland), by the 96-year-old sovereign, the media Politico and constitutional scholars ponder the upcoming Accession Council for the crown. This body, some of whose members are part of the privy council, must meet on Saturday, September 10, at the Saint-James Palace to officially proclaim King Charles III. Dozens of advisers, including the prime minister and ministers of her government, are due to attend.

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But who will lead this crucial constitutional step? “Wednesday, on the eve of her death, Elizabeth II did not feel able to hold the meeting of the Privy Council, the evening when the members of Liz Truss’s new cabinet were to be sworn in”écrit Politico. “The royal seals were therefore not given to the various holders of the offices by the monarch”, notes the media. Nevertheless, the Privy Council’s website insists that the new leader of the House of Commons, appointed by Liz Truss on September 6 and government representative to parliamentarians, Penny Mordaunt, also assumes the role of “lord president” and will therefore be responsible for overseeing the Accession Board.

Capital plan on hold

The government finds itself stuck in a pivotal period as inflation explodes in the UK and the Prime Minister announced a massive aid package for households and businesses on Thursday September 8 – the bill would rise to 150 billion pounds (172.9 billion euros) – in the face of soaring energy costs. This additional budget was initially to be debated on Monday September 19 in the House of Commons, but the British Parliament could pause all discussions for ten days, according to the protocol. In the worst case scenario, if these ten days are counted as days of parliamentary debates, this could push them back until October 17.

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But, still according to Politico, for the advisers of Downing Street, it is out of the question to leave this capital plan so long in suspense. As of Thursday evening, the latter suggested to journalists that British parliamentarians could sit for one or two days during the period of national mourning in order to pass the emergency law. Other solutions are being considered: the House of Commons could get back to work just after the period of tributes or the holidays of parliamentary committees could be shortened or even cancelled.

Suspended strikes

Beyond the political consequences of the death of Queen Elizabeth II, her disappearance has also shaken up the strike of British railway and postal workers who have announced an interruption of their movement. Since the end of June, they have multiplied the days of strike to obtain a rise in wages in the midst of the crisis in the cost of living.

Le syndicat des transports National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers “joins the whole nation to pay tribute to Queen Elizabeth”and the new episode of the railway strike scheduled for September 15 and 17 ” is suspended “announced its general secretary, Mick Lynch, in a press release on Thursday evening, while the union Transport Salaried Staffs’ Association, which had planned a strike at the end of the month, “expresses its most sincere condolences”. The train drivers’ union Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen has also called off a walkout scheduled for September 15.

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For their part, the postal workers have given up a day of strike, scheduled for Friday, within the British company Royal Mail, ‘Following the very sad news of the Queen’s passing, and out of respect for her service to the country and her family’, the Communication Workers Union announced. The Trades Union Congress, which is due to hold its annual conference next week, praised on Twitter “the many years of dedicated service to the country” from Queen Elizabeth II.

Sports and cultural events canceled

In addition, the Bank of England announced on Friday that its monetary policy meeting, the decision of which was to be published on Thursday, would be postponed by a week due to the death of Queen Elizabeth II. “Given the period of national mourning in the UK, the September 2022 meeting of the Monetary Policy Committee has been delayed for a week. The decision will be announced on September 22 at noon.said the institution in a press release on Friday.

Other collateral victims of the death of Queen Elizabeth II, many cultural and sporting events have been deprogrammed, or even simply canceled. All of the weekend’s English Premier League games have been postponed. “In honor of his extraordinary life and contribution to the nation, and as a mark of respect, this weekend’s Premier League matchday will be postponed, including Monday night’s fixture”announced the organizers.

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The Premier League took this decision even as the British government made it known that the postponement of sports competitions was not compulsory in this period of national mourning. All matches in the professional lower divisions and the women’s championship have also been postponed.

Several other sporting events (rugby, horse racing, cricket, or even cycling) scheduled for Friday and this weekend have been canceled, still as a sign of respect for Queen Elizabeth II.

If the Mercury Prize musical awards ceremony – the equivalent of the Victoires de la Musique – was canceled Thursday evening and postponedtheatrical performances in the United Kingdom should continue despite everything, with a minute of silence, according to the BBC site.

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