In the United Kingdom, the middle finger of the new Minister of Education criticized

by time news

“Ministers are not expected to be perfect. But is it really too much to ask of them, not to treat the population like that? ” It is in these terms that Labor MP Bridget Phillipson, in charge of Education in the opposition, commented on a surprising video extract on Friday July 8.

We see Andrea Jenkyns, described by the tabloid Metro as “an unconditional follower of Boris Johnson”send a masterful finger of honor to a crowd of demonstrators who came to demand the resignation of the Prime Minister.

“The extract was allegedly filmed shortly before Boris Johnson announced his resignation as leader of the Conservative Party, and before she was appointed minister”let it be known The Timesnoting however that “his gesture draws him criticism”. We can hear Andrea Jenkyns “shouting ‘he who has the last laugh will laugh’”, under the boos of the citizens gathered in front of 10, Downing Street, adds the British daily.

“Following the announcement of his appointment to the Ministry of Education, comment on it Daily Mirror, those who were offended by his gesture reacted to it with comments, stating in particular: ‘can’t wait for you to teach our children good manners’.

“Scandalous Legacy”

Despite the many calls to leave Boris Johnson for several days, the Prime Minister has decided to keep his post until the designation of a successor within the Conservative party, a process which should last several weeks. But “the scandalous legacy” years Boris Johnson is already at the heart of public debate, as reported The Guardian.

“Several questions about the events that occurred during his chaotic reign could remain unanswered”writes the British daily, citing the “Wallpapergate” – controversy linked to the supposed cost of the renovation work on Boris Johnson’s apartments in Downing Street, which would be 200,000 pounds, or around 236,000 euros –; but also the successive episodes of “Partygate”, scandals linked to the non-respect of the rules of confinement by members of the government; or the suspicions of sexual abuse targeting certain figures in the Tory camp.

In this context, the gesture of Andrea Jenkyns, who takes the reins of Education, does not mismatch with the sulphurous Johnson years.

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