In the United States, Joe Biden proposes new restrictions for asylum seekers

by time news

He had promised from the first days of 2023 to fix a “broken” American immigration system. Joe Biden is now tackling it. His administration proposed new restrictions to asylum seekers on Tuesday February 22, explaining that it wanted to prevent an influx of migrants at its southern border in the post-Covid period.

The new rules wanted by the government would require asylum seekers to apply in advance and not after arriving in the United States, otherwise they would be considered ineligible for asylum. At the beginning of January, the American president was already setting the tone: “Don’t come to the border” without having previously launched a legal procedure, he had asserted in a speech at the White House.

A new direction which is reminiscent of that of his Republican predecessor. These rules were posted on the Federal Register for comment for thirty days before being enforced. A return in appearance to the harsh regime established by Donald Trump, which had finally been canceled by the courts.

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But the Biden administration argues that in the absence of action from Congress, it’s the only way to manage the border, which up to 200,000 people try to cross every month, most asking for permission. asylum. “This administration will not allow massive chaos and disorder at the border because of Congress’ failure to act”said an official on condition of anonymity.

An online request

The rules would require migrants who want to come to the United States to apply for asylum online, through the official CBP One app, and request an appointment to see US officials, or apply for asylum first in a country they cross to arrive at the American border. They would apply a system already in place for migrants from Ukraine, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua and Haiti.

They must be put in place once a pandemic-related measure – dubbed « Title 42 » and allowing the immediate deportation of migrants without visas, even potential asylum seekers – will be lifted, which is scheduled for 11 May.

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According to officials, the new rules will be temporary and will expire after twenty-four months. However, they did not specify what they would be replaced with.

The proposed measures have been strongly criticized by migrant rights advocates. They will close “the doorway to countless refugees seeking safety and protection in the United States”and this is Abby Maxman, president of Oxfam America. “This policy is illegal, immoral and will have a terrifying impact on children, women and men seeking safety”she added.

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The World with AFP

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