in the Vaucluse, Jordan Bardella calls “the patriots” to prefer the party of Marine Le Pen to that of Eric Zemmour

by time news

One week before the first round of the legislative elections, the president of the National Rally (RN), Jordan Bardella, chose, on Saturday June 4, to mobilize his troops in a very symbolic territory of the confrontation between the supporters of Marine Le Pen and Eric Zemmour.

During a public meeting in Cavaillon, in the 2e constituency of Vaucluse, Jordan Bardella called “The Patriots” of this stronghold of the extreme right in “not to scatter their voices”. In the constituency of Cavaillon, Reconquest!, the party of Eric Zemmour, has chosen to align, facing the regional councilor RN, Bénédicte Auzanot, the very media president of the young people with Eric Zemmour, Stanislas Rigault, who will have as alternate Marion Marshal, the niece of Marine Le Pen.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers How the National Rally neutralized Eric Zemmour’s party for the legislative elections

“I have a lot of respect for Stanislas Rigault but Reconquest! made the choice to send Parisian candidates where we have long had elected officials who are legitimate representatives of the national camp”explained the acting president of the RN.

The ambition of a “powerful group” in the Assembly

“With 7.07% of the votes in the presidential [le score d’Eric Zemmour]the possibility of qualifying for the second round of the legislative elections is almost non-existent”argued Mr. Bardella, calling on voters tempted by a Reconquest vote! “to vote useful” et “to support the best-placed patriotic candidate”.

“The French have decided between us in the presidential election” et “People see that the momentum is on our sideexplained the far-right leader, who said he had hopes of winning in the first round. It is an ambitious but achievable objective, if we are to believe the latest polls which only place us three points behind the presidential majority and the union of the radical left..

In the Vaucluse, Marine Le Pen obtained 52% of the votes in the presidential election and came first in four out of five constituencies. “So why not the Grand Slam five RN deputies, it’s possible”launched Jordan Bardella, before explaining that the ambition of his party was to have “a powerful group” in the Assembly (15 deputies at least, against six in the outgoing assembly).

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Marine Le Pen at Hénin-Beaumont on Sunday

For Jordan Bardella, these legislative elections are ” Referendum “ on “the retirement at age 65 desired by [Emmanuel] Macron, the impotence of the government in the face of the explosion of prices, immigration and insecurity out of control ». In his meeting, the MEP accused Jean-Luc Mélenchon (Nupes) of “wanting to transform the National Assembly into a squat or a gigantic ZAD [zone à défendre] bringing together the lawyers of the burkini, the Islamo-leftists or those who want to disarm the police”.

He also attacked the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, “incapable”, according to him, “to ensure the safety of French people”and that he called for ” resign “ after the incidents at the Stade de France. The Minister of National Education, Pap Ndiaye, target of the far right since his appointment, has also been the subject of virulent attacks, Mr. Bardella calling him ” Republic Hate Theorist”.

Marine Le Pen will hold her first campaign meeting on Sunday in Hénin-Beaumont, in her stronghold of Pas-de-Calais. “Two lands of resistance to macronie”explained Mr. Bardella referring to a “third round of the presidential election and the last opportunity for the French people to limit powers” of the re-elected president.

The World with AFP

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