In the video .. “Consultant” reveals the most important causes of prostate cancer… and ways to treat it

by time news

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Dr. Khaled Al-Othman, a consultant urologist and robotic surgeon for the prostate, revealed the causes of prostate cancer and ways to treat it.

cancer prostate

During an interview with MBC, he said: “Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in men, and the second cause of death from cancer in the world, and the rate of presence of this disease in the Arab world is much lower than in the Western world.”

non awareness

And he added, there is an absence of early screening programs and awareness is not enough for men in our society to get early screening for prostate cancer.

He continued: In recent years, the issue has become more important because prostate cancer affects men in the fifties and sixties, adding that the Kingdom has witnessed a significant improvement in health care, which has led to an improvement in life expectancy, and this indirectly has led to an increase in the rate of cases that are discovered.

And he continued, most cases of tumors have symptoms such as the symptoms that accompany benign tumors and they are spread, and if the person begins to feel symptoms, they are at a late stage.

examination early

He added, it is important for men to do a periodic examination after the age of fifty or 45, and the examination is a blood test, which is an indicator that reflects the activity of the prostate gland, noting that this disease is silent and is discovered in late stages.

Reasons injury and ways treatment

He explained that studies have found that the most common causes of prostate cancer are genetic factors, and foods rich in fatty substances, such as fast food and others.

He added, there are several methods of treatment, including surgical, radiological, chemical, hormonal or immunological treatment, noting that the treatment is better the sooner the disease is detected.

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