In Toulouse, behind Anne Hidalgo’s campaign, the socialists are preparing the post-presidential

by time news

A tour in Occitania to restore a little balm to the heart, before a presidential election which promises to be difficult for the Socialist Party (PS). “After the tour of France which suffers but which hopes, I have been waiting for this moment for a long time”, commented Anne Hidalgo, Saturday March 26, in Toulouse.

It must be said that the candidate has collected in Occitania the largest number of sponsorships of all the departments of France. And that she likes to compare politics, in the land of ovals, to ” a pack like in rugby, which knows how to highlight its individualities”. Land of Nougaro and Spanish Republicans, too. “We know here what exile means in these times of war”, hammered the candidate during the meeting she held in the middle of the afternoon, in front of more than 2,000 people.

Read the analysis: Article reserved for our subscribers Anne Hidalgo is the candidate of a PS that has become a dead star, where we don’t even debate anymore

In the morning, it was in the popular district of Empalot, its 6,000 inhabitants and its large towers slated for demolition, that she was welcomed by a handful of activists. Discussions at the exit of the metro, then in front of the headquarters of the city’s HLM office. Popular neighborhoods “abandoned”Borloo report on the suburbs “buried”, “dramatic disappearance” subsidized contracts, Anne Hidalgo castigated the results of the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, who “does not know the life you are living”.

Sébastien Vincini, the departmental federal secretary of the PS, commented, a little behind the small crowd: “ Anne is of exemplary courage, but we must already think about the post-presidential period “. In the “the largest federation in France, we are already working to stimulate a new movement for the left”, he said. The announced defeat of the PS and the rumors of the creation of a new party have also traveled the lands of Toulouse.

Renewal Roadmap

For Thierry Suaud, future candidate for the June legislative elections, “ the question is to this day unanswered and we do not yet know under which label we will defend our ideas “. In Toulouse, the only certainty is that Carole Delga, the socialist president of the region, will be there. She is even approached to lead a future movement.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers After the announced defeat, the PS hopes to rise from its ashes

During the afternoon meeting, if she strongly supported Anne Hidalgo, her speech sounded more like the terms of a roadmap for renewal. ” Let’s be proud of our candidate and still carry the values ​​of socialism, dont life has never been a path paved with roses “, she pointed out. The populism of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the permanent buzz, the TV sets, the hatred of the other, the return to the true values ​​of the left, the best elected regional president in 2021 is gradually climbing the steps that lead her towards a national destiny.

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