In Trappes, the strike reveals the salaries of the “forgotten” of the private hospital

by time news

“Bank accounts in the red”, “deplorable working conditions”, “base salary below the minimum wage”, the cup is full for the staff of the private hospital in West Paris, owned by the Ramsay Health group. In this establishment in Trappes (Yvelines), 70% of the 450 employees expressed their fed up by participating in the national strike movement on Tuesday. Caregivers, nurses, hoteliers, administrative and technical service agents are asking for better recognition. The operations, they have been deprogrammed until Wednesday.

“Hospitals complain of a shortage of staff, but how can you attract a caregiver when you offer the minimum wage? Especially in the Paris region where the lowest rent is 800 euros”, loose Olivier Petit, CFDT delegate of the hospital. Worse, some agents have a base salary below the legal minimum because the collective agreement for the private hospitalization branch displays 62 sub-SMIC coefficients.

This is the case of Antoinette. “I have been a hospital worker for 40 years, I came here at 18, and I have an additional salary on my pay slip to reach the minimum wage, says the hotel manager. Currently, I earn 1,400 euros by doing two or three vacations to make ends meet. »

Employees who “have nothing left from the 15th of the month”

But problem, the additional salary is not taken into account in the calculation of the retirement. So Antoinette plans to postpone her departure. “I’m disgusted, I’m still 61 years old and I feel like I haven’t progressed. And the testimonies are linked among the demonstrators.

“I have worked here for twelve years, I have an hourly rate of 9.5 euros gross (Editor’s note, against 11.07 euros for the minimum wage)”, launches a caregiver. Pauline, an intensive care nurse for nineteen years, earns 1,750 euros net “thanks to bonuses which will not count in the calculation of retirement”.

Head of department, Marianne sees misery appearing earlier and earlier each month. “Before, I had daughters who had difficult ends of the month, but now, with inflation and the crisis, they have nothing left from the 15th of the month, assures the administrative manager who has already come to the aid of colleagues. Some can’t even buy food on the 20th of the month. Sometimes it’s the cafeteria that gives them the unsold items at the end of the day. »

“Ongoing branch discussions”

Nurse, Florence asked for a raise which was… refused. “We are paid with a slingshot except that we are essential links in the hospital environment, we are at the patient’s bedside for 12 hours without any recognition and without salary increases. It becomes extremely difficult to want to go to work”.

Also a nurse, Samia points to the commitment of the hospital staff. “In reality, the management plays on it because our professional conscience means that we come to work so as not to let the patient down, blows the health professional. Two years ago we were applauded but today we feel completely forgotten. »

Contacted, the Ramsay Health group said that it was “aware of the concerns relating to the purchasing power of employees”, referring to “ongoing branch discussions following the revaluation of health personnel in the public sector”.

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