in Ukraine, the pain of the families of Boutcha who bury their loved ones

by time news

At the Boutcha morgue in Ukraine, Lilia will soon be able to recover the body of 40-year-old Yaroslav. While the Russians are in the city, his son takes his bike, he should only have a few minutes. He never came back.

“Friends have been looking for him for a long time, Lilia says. I had no connection, we had no internet. I was evacuated to kyiv and there, friends helped me: on Facebook, everywhere, where it was possible, we looked for it for a long time. Then they called me: they had found him on April 11.” It is a man who finds him near the station and buries him in his yard.

“He told me how my son was killed: Russians shot at his legs, then they asked him to kneel. He shouted: ‘I’m in pain, I can’t’ and they shot in the head.”

“I have a photo, I saw him dead. He’s here in the morgue. I’m cryingcontinues Lilia. He was a musician, a guitarist. He was not very successful but he had talent he was very nice. He loved me very much. His friends only tell me good things about him. Him, he said: ‘I will live a long time, until I am 80 years old!’. I have another son and I live for him now.”

At the Boutcha cemetery, three burials take place at the same time. A mother, an aunt, a son, that of Volodymir. He watches the gravediggers dig his child’s grave. “He received a rocket splinter in the headhe explains. I can’t say what I feel. I don’t know why the civilians, why the children are killed?”

“What can I feel? Hate for the Russian soldiers who came? Their families are also burying a son, a husband who is in the war.”

Volodymir, a father who buries his son

at franceinfo

“It is impossible to accept ithe exclaims desperately. But revenge is evil too. I wish that never happened. But God sees everything and we must continue to live. I have my grandchildren. Today, when we got the body from the morgue, there was an air raid. I just want it to end as soon as possible.”

The impossible mourning of the families of Boutcha – report by Farida Nouar and Fabien Gosset.


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