In Venezuela, the opposition votes to end the “interim presidency” of Juan Guaido

by time news

After several days of waltz-hesitation, it is now recorded. The Venezuelan opposition put an end on Friday, December 30 to “interim government” and its presidency by Juan Guaido, who declared himself president in January 2019 when the opposition and part of the international community did not recognize the re-election of Nicolas Maduro in 2018.

The deputies of the former Parliament, elected in 2015 and controlled by the opposition, voted 72 votes for (29 against, 8 abstentions) the disappearance of the presidency and the government “temporaries”which had no real power but nevertheless controlled Venezuelan assets abroad, estimated at 24 billion dollars by Mr. Maduro.

This former parliament defends its continuity by considering the legislative elections won by the government in 2020 as fraudulent. International support for this government and presidency “temporaries”recognized by the United States and France in particular, had withered over the months.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers In Venezuela, the opposition puts an end to the “mandate” of Juan Guaido

Maduro’s position strengthened

President Maduro regularly mocked the “presidency” of Guaido calling it a “World of Narnia” or“imaginary”. The oil crisis caused by the war in Ukraine has led to a warming of relations between Mr. Maduro and Washington, which had sent emissaries to talk directly with him.

Officially, the American or French positions have not changed, but in reality the chancelleries have already been discussing with the power of Nicolas Maduro for a long time. Proof of this is the meeting filmed in the corridors of COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, between Mr. Maduro and Emmanuel Macron. The French head of state had addressed Mr. Maduro by calling him ” President “ and assured that he was going to call her.

On the other hand, South American countries like neighboring Colombia or Brazil which were ruled by hard right wing groups very hostile to Nicolas Maduro have swung to the left in recent months, causing Mr. Guaido to lose weight allies.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Venezuela: Emmanuel Macron wants to help unblock the talks between Nicolas Maduro and the opposition

A divided opposition

In Venezuela, three of the four major Venezuelan opposition parties (Primero Justicia, Accion Democratica and Un Nuevo Tiempo) believed that the “interim government” a “ceased to be useful (…) and is of no interest to the citizens” in a joint statement on Tuesday.

“The interim government was an emanation, an emergency of the National Assembly. What was temporary has become permanent…”, assured Friday during the meeting Juan Miguel Matheus, favorable to the disappearance of the interim government. This constitutional lawyer clarified: “The assets are not in danger. Most of the support (international) is support for the National Assembly more than for the interim presidency… The law provides sufficient tools to protect assets in Portugal, the United States and England”.

Prominent opponent Freddy Guevara, who supported keeping the presidency, railed against his disappearance when it came time to vote: “I cannot understand how we are committing this suicide. That should put us all to shame (…) We cannot guarantee that with this reform (removal of the presidency) assets will be protected. I want to be wrong, I want gold not to fall into Maduro’s hands in the future. If tomorrow Maduro comes out stronger, know that it is your responsibility”.

Mr. Guaido pleaded with him on Thursday for the government “not be destroyed” et “defended above names or personal interests. Hold the presidency (temp worker) has nothing to do with Juan Guaido. It’s a duty “.

Read also: In Venezuela, Juan Guaido favors the “interim government” even if he is no longer its president

next presidential

The vote of the Assembly elected in 2015 comes in a context of division of the opposition which did not know how to unite during the regional of 2021 won by the power and while the presidential election of 2024 whets the appetites.

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“There are opposition leaders who believe that the interim government was an advantage for a possible Guaido candidacy”commented to Agence France-Presse the consultant Pablo Andres Quintero.

The opposition recently announced that it will hold primaries next year to choose a single candidate to face Mr. Maduro in the presidential election. Mr. Guaido is one of the possible candidates.

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The World with AFP

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