(ANSA) – VERONA, 13 AUG – The first comparative clinical study in Europe of robotic surgery on the three platforms currently available on the market is by the Integrated University Hospital (Aoui) of Verona. The overall cost of the analysis is 1.74 million euros, entirely financed by the Veneto Region. The Aoui of Verona, in particular, is evaluating the efficiency, handling and clinical-functional efficacy of the three platforms that have European certification for surgery: Da Vinci (Intuitive surgical), Hugo (Medtronic) and Versius (CMR surgical). The study is carefully measuring the performance of the 3 robots through procedures guided by highly experienced surgeons and teams specialized in robotics. The results will provide all healthcare companies with the elements for reducing costs and increasing the services that can be provided. In this way, a greater number of citizens will be able to access the benefits of advanced minimally invasive technology. The comparison also evaluates the preservation of the patient’s quality of life. The comparative study “began in Urology, with radical prostatectomy, also by virtue of the very high level of experience already accumulated – explains Simone Giacopuzzi, head of Gastrointestinal Robotic Surgery and coordinator of the project -. All our other specialist surgeries follow, strong in their pre-eminent role at a national and international level. For Alessandro Antonelli, director of Urology, the robot “offers an exceptional view of the anatomy, clean and magnified, and gives us miniaturized instruments, with many articulation possibilities, and ultra-fine movements. All this determines for the patient a splendid aesthetic result, without painful incisions, quick recoveries and an almost always definitive cure”, he concludes. (ANSA).
2024-08-13 23:08:46