In what would the new debt quota be invested in Bogotá for more than 11 billion pesos

by time news
Finance Commission of Bogotá. Photo:

The draft agreement that was presented by the Bogota Mayor’s Office in which it authorizes a global quota for 11.7 billion pesos it was approved by a majority in the Finance Commission in the Bogotá Council. These resources will make it possible to meet the fundamental objectives of the 2020-2024 Development Plan. Now, it will be discussed in the second instance by the plenary session of the council.

This project includes the balances pending commitment of the previous quota which was approved by the Council. According to the information provided by the Mayor’s Office of Bogotá, if it is definitively approved, resources will be allocated to, strengthen the social and productive inclusion of citizensthrough education, progress in the construction of the second subway line and the promotion of the District Recreational and Care System”.

With these resources, the administration hopes to promote with greater force the economic reactivation of the Colombian capital, generate more jobs and quotas in higher education, something that would allow expanding the potential of formal employment. They will also be used to finance the construction of schools, expansion of student scholarships, post-secondary and higher education; also the second metro line and shares to the recreational and care system.

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The Secretary of the Treasury, Juan Mauricio Ramírez, assured:

“It is important to note that Bogotá’s borrowing capacity remains exemplary, with a payment capacity indicator that currently barely reaches 4%, compared to the limit established by law at 40%; with levels of debt sustainability close to 47%, before the limit of 100%”.

It is worth remembering that the Council’s Finance Commission approved a debt quota of 3.8 billion pesos for the Bogotá Aqueduct and Sewer Company (EAAB), which will be invested in the financing of the Canoas wastewater treatment plant, which will allow the treatment of wastewater from the Colombian capital by 70% and from Soacha by 100%. This will clean up the middle basin of the Bogotá River.

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According to the Mayor’s Office, this plant also, “will contribute 23% to the fulfillment of the country’s sustainable development goals (SDG) by 2030”, This is expected to improve the chemical and biological conditions of the Bogotá, Fucha, Tunjuelo and Soacha rivers.

– New educational infrastructures are projected in the towns of Engativá (6), Bosa (5), Suba (4), Rafael Uribe Uribe (2), San Cristóbal (2), Usaquén (1), Fontibón (1), Ciudad Bolívar (2), Martyrs (1) Usme (1) and La Candelaria (1).

– The construction and/or restitution of schools will benefit more than 22,000 students, from early childhood to eleventh grade.

– In total, 24,000 students from Bogotá will benefit, who will have access to early childhood, primary and high school classrooms, laboratories, libraries, auditoriums, sports spaces and a toy library.

– Students will benefit from scholarships in higher education, at the undergraduate, technologist and professional technician levels, through the Jovenes a la U and U en tu Colegio programs.

– Young people will be able to access short courses, with simultaneous complementary offer in specialized areas such as English, socio-emotional skills, mathematics and language

– It will allow access to the necessary resources to contract the works of line 2 of the Bogotá metro, which will benefit 2.5 million inhabitants of the towns of Chapinero, Barrios Unidos, Engativá and Suba.

– It will benefit the inhabitants of the towns of Bosa, Kennedy, Ciudad Bolívar and Tunjuelito, the city’s high-performance athletes and the beneficiaries of services linked to the District Recreational and Care System.


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