Inaugurated in Velletri (via Ponte Veloce) the Outpatient Center “Impariamo ad Imparare” for the rehabilitation of people with disabilities

by time news

Yesterday the new Velletri was inaugurated Outpatient Rehabilitation Center for people with physical, mental and sensory disabilitiesmanaged by the social cooperative “Let’s Learn to Learn”. The structure, located in 5 Fast Bridge Streetnear Via Appia Nord, has been a fundamental point of reference for the area for years, offering rehabilitation and support services for children and young people with disabilities.

Operational since 2018, the Centre has recently obtained official recognition as “Healthcare facility for minors with disabilities and psychosocial problems” thanks to a motion approved last January by the Velletri City Council, after a six-year wait.

Concrete support for families

The Center aims to guarantee, regardless of the economic conditions of the families, a path of growth and improvement for the children and young people assisted. Through the diversification of the fees, it is also able to welcome free of charge those who find themselves in serious situations of social and economic hardship, thanks to the support of private individuals and fundraising.

Authorities present at the inauguration

The inauguration was attended by numerous local and regional authorities. Among those present were the Bishop of the Diocese of Velletri-Segni and Frascati, Monsignor Stefano Russo, the Regional Councillor for Budget and Economic Planning Giancarlo Righinithe Mayor of Velletri Ascanio Cascella, the Deputy Mayor Chiara Ercoli and several councilors (including Monia Bastianelli, who personally supported the motion) and majority city councilors.

Absent due to unavoidable family commitmentsCouncilor for Social Services, Ilaria Neriwho has attentively followed the entire process that led to the creation of the Centre and said she was very happy with the goal achieved.

The words of the Regional Councillor Righini

In his speech, Councilor Giancarlo Righini wanted to express his gratitude for the important goal achieved by the Center and the support of the institutions:

“This afternoon in Velletri, to also bring greetings from President Rocca, to inaugurate the Outpatient Rehabilitation Center for people with physical, mental and sensory disabilities ‘Impariamo ad Imparare’. A facility of fundamental importance for the area to support families. A project born from the experience of a mother and father who found themselves in the position of seeking therapies for their daughter that would allow her to live a normal life. For this we will never stop thanking Serena and Yari, who built all this from scratch, with their own strength, to offer this service to the citizens of Velletri. I also thank Mayor Cascella, the municipal administration, Bishop Stefano Russo, the Health Department of the Lazio Region and ASL RM6 for the extraordinary work”.

Inaugurated in Velletri (via Ponte Veloce) the Outpatient Center “Impariamo ad Imparare” for the rehabilitation of people with disabilities

A milestone for the territory

Even the Mayor of Velletri, Ascanio Cascellaexpressed great appreciation for the work carried out by the cooperative “Impariamo ad Imparare”, led by Serena Bruffa, and wanted to thank the health and regional institutions for their support.

“This is a fundamental reality for our territory, close to children and their families.

I thank Serena and the entire social cooperative “Impariamo ad Imparare”, the Asl Rm6 in the person of the Extraordinary Commissioner Dr. Francesco Marchitelli and the new District Director Dr. Biagio D’Alessandro, the regional Councilor Giancarlo Righini for the important support, as well as the Bishop, His Excellency Mons. Stefano Russo”.

The Center, even more so now, confirms itself as an important resource for the local community, a place where children and their families can find support and opportunities for growth, with the aim of improving the quality of life and promoting inclusion.

Righini Cascella Russian Bishop

Let's learn to learn

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