Incidents at the Stade de France: “Your comments were irresponsible”, the irritated letter from the president of Liverpool to the Minister of Sports

by time news

“Your comments were irresponsible, unprofessional and completely disrespectful.” Tom Werner is more than reassembled, and makes it known. In a letter sent Monday to the French Minister of Sports Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, the president of Liverpool attacks the communication and the assertions of the new member of the government who had affirmed earlier in the morning on RTL that the British club “had left his supporters in the wild” and that his fans were largely responsible for the chaos ahead of the Champions League final on Saturday evening at the Stade de France.

“I am in total disbelief that a French government minister, in a position of enormous responsibility and influence, could make a series of unproven statements on a matter of such importance even before a proper investigative process. , formal and independent has taken place”, the American leader is indignant.

“The events that occurred (…) were not only incredibly dangerous for all participants, but also raised serious questions about the organization and operation of the event, continues the letter, the content of which is detailed by the Liverpool Echo. That should be the focus of all interested parties today rather than pursuing a blame strategy via a press conference. »

“These fans were treated like cattle”

The president of the Reds claims to have “countless” testimonies of supporters of the Mersey club “died of fear and victims of police harassment”. “The situation was no better at the end of the evening than at the beginning, with many fans robbed and attacked by gangs”, indignant Tom Werner, who also denounces the bottleneck in which they found themselves stuck thousands of Britons to join the enclosure after leaving the RER D. “These fans were treated like cattle,” he asserts.

“These claims undermine the search for truth and transparency that should underpin the motivations of any organization or individual wishing to ensure that such unacceptable scenes never happen again,” accuses Tom Werner. The fact that your public stance goes against this goal is a concern in itself. »

“I apologize to you”

“On behalf of all the supporters who have experienced this nightmare, I ask for your apologies and the assurance that the French authorities and UEFA allow the continuation of an independent and transparent investigation,” the letter concludes.

In addition to the president of Liverpool, the mayor of the city Joanne Anderson denounced “calamitous management”. Two former English football stars, Gary Lineker and Jamie Carragher were also indignant at the “lies” of Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin. UEFA announced on Monday evening the launch of an investigation into the incidents around the Stade de France.

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