Income Statement 2022: When can I download the draft?

by time news

Saturday, March 11, 2023, 00:20

Next month it’s time to settle accounts with the Treasury. In April begins the period for the declaration of the 2022 financial year of the Personal Income Tax (IRPF): on the 3rd in Álava and on the 17th in Bizkaia. The people from Alava will have until June 26 and the people from Biscay, until the 30th.

Therefore, it will be from those days in April when taxpayers will be able to start downloading the draft, which is a declaration proposal made with the personal, family and economic data available at the Treasury. As its own name indicates, it is only a draft, so the result is provisional.

In the next few days, the regional treasuries will announce this year’s income campaign with their large figures: the estimated collection, the number of declarations that are expected to be made, those that will be ‘returned’ or paid, or the deadlines for receive or enter the corresponding money, as the case may be.

As every year, the Treasury will send the drafts with the declaration proposal to thousands of taxpayers, who must check if any relevant information about their personal or economic situation is missing to be included or modified.

Three forms of presentation

There are three ways to submit the declaration: digital (through the website and the Treasury ‘app’, by phone, or in person at the offices of the collecting body and other accredited centers. Always, yes, by appointment .

In recent years, and especially since the Covid pandemic, institutions encourage and push the use of digital channels. The draft declaration is accessible from any device or computer with internet access. However, an electronic means of identification is needed. If you do not have it, the collecting body provides the Bak key, for single use.

Last year, the Biscayan Treasury took seven days from the moment of the presentation to enter the money of the taxpayers whose declaration came out to return (in their favor). If the result was to enter (in favor of the Treasury), they could domicile the payment, which was not made effective until July.

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