Income Statement 2023: how to make the declaration online with ‘Renda Web’

by time news

As happens every year around these dates, millions of taxpayers are faced with a procedure that, despite doing it spring after spring, many continue to find it annoying: Income. The 2022/2023 Income campaign begins on next April 11 with the opening of the term for the presentation of the declaration through the Internet. The Tax Agency makes available to users its web portal or the application for mobile phones and tablets to carry out the procedure.

Since the coronavirus pandemic struck our lives, this telematic pathway has become the first choice for many people which thus saves trips to the offices and the IRPF carries it out from their homes.

Dates of the 2023 Income declaration

The deadlines for submitting the income statement are opening on different dates depending on the method we use. It is important to know well the dates especially the start or end so that we don’t miss any of them and that this causes us some problem with the Tax Agency. These are the dates clau what we have to keep in mind:

  • From Tuesday April 11 to June 30, 2023 the deadline for the online presentation of the 2022 Income and Assets declarations is open.

  • Monday Friday May 5 to June 30, 2023the Tax Agency can prepare your 2022 Income tax return by telephone with an appointment, thanks to the ‘El truquem’ Plan (appointment request from May 3 to June 29).

  • From Thursday June 1 to June 30, 2023the AEAT can prepare your 2022 Income statement in person at its offices (appointment request from May 25 to June 29).

To be assisted by the Tax Agency both by phone and in person, you can make an appointmenton the Internet or by calling the following telephone numbers: 91 535 73 26 / 901 12 12 24 or 91 553 00 71 / 901 22 33 44.

Draft income statement Shutterstock

The same website of the Tax Agency offers instructions for making the declaration electronically, but it can be summarized in the following steps:

Access the draft

To get started, you must have a few things in mind necessary data to access the draft and identify yourself on the Tax Agency page. There are different methods for this.

  • Electronic ID or other digital certificate. For this, it is necessary to choose the option ‘With electronic certificate of identification or electronic DNI’ and enter the corresponding document.
  • It is necessary to be registered in the Cl@ve system. In this case you need to have the pin sent to you by SMS or through the Cl@ave Pin app. This code only lasts 10 minutes.

  • Reference number of the Income statement for the previous year. This is the simplest option, however, it can only be used by taxpayers who completed their fiscal year in the previous year, checking box 0505. This option is not available to people who complete the income statement for the first time.

  • IBAN of a Bank account of which the taxpayer is titular. This option is also possible when you select the reference number.

You must ‘click’ on Draft/Declaration (Web Income) and enter personal data such as marital status, sex, community where you live, fiscal address, information on children or dependents, etc.

Once you have everything completed, you can review all the data, change it if necessary and add some situations for the relevant deductions.

Income statement: How do I know if I have the obligation to present it? EPC

Submit the declaration online

Making the Income Declaration online on our own is not very complicated.

First, you must access the Tax Agency using one of the methods explained previously.

  1. Access to the draft by clicking Draft/Declaration (Web Income).

  2. Modify and update the data that require it.

  3. When you have everything added, accept and you can see the draft. Here you will see the summary of all income, data and deductions.

  4. Check out calmly all the data. It is possible that the Inland Revenue may claim against you if you make a mistake.

  5. Click on submit a statement.

It is not necessary to present the declaration at this very moment. You can subsequently access this same session and modify your data as often as you deem necessary. Remember that you must present it within the established period.

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