INCOME STATEMENT | The Treasury notice to all Spaniards for the income statement in 2023

by time news

Spaniards must confront the Treasury every year through a mechanism: the income statement. Thanks to this system, taxpayers ‘settle’ accounts with the Tax Agencythrough this document it is collected in writing what income and what expenses each natural person has had throughout the previous year and, in turn, what taxes they have paid for their benefits or what deductions correspond to them due to their situation.

The income statement is that model where, among other taxes, the Personal Income Tax is balanced: throughout the year citizens contribute this tax -a percentage of the income from work, whose percentage depends on the amount of money we earn per year– Through payslips (in the case of salaried workers) or invoices (in the case of self-employed workers).

At the time of presenting the income statement, the technicians of the Tax Agency They calculate whether we have paid more taxes than we are entitled to or less. If throughout the year we have paid more personal income tax than what corresponded to us with our income at the end of the year, we will receive a refund from the Treasury. If, on the contrary, we have contributed less than what corresponds, we will have to pay the difference within a period determined by the agency.

Notice on the draft of the income statement

For years, the period to file the income statement is set between April and June of the year following the financial year: This means that in April 2023 the taxes corresponding to all of 2022 are presented.

exist two ways to file the income statement: through the draft, confirming the data that the Treasury has on the taxpayer; or rejecting the draft and presenting a personalized income statement that the technicians will later review to consider valid or not.

In any case, from the Treasury they advise that the period for Requesting the draft of the income statement begins on April 11 and ends on June 30. In addition, it must be taken into account that in no case is it mandatory to present the draft of the income statement, and that we can always resort to financial advice to study our case and present an alternative model if it considers that the result of this is going to be advantageous for our finances.

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