Increased Demand for COVID-19 Tests and Respiratory Masks as Autumn Approaches

by time news

2023-09-10 06:00:17
Rising Corona Cases Lead to Increased Demand for Tests and Masks

Ratzeburg/Mölln – As autumn approaches and the cold season looms, the number of corona cases is once again on the rise. With no longer any 2-G restrictions in place, more and more people experiencing cold symptoms are opting to get tested for SARS-CoV-2. Pharmacies and drugstores in the Ratzeburg and Mölln areas have reported a significant increase in the sales of corona tests, indicating a growing concern among the population.

Dr. Martin Flemmig, owner of the city pharmacy in Mölln, stated that they have sold three times as many tests in August compared to June or July. The Budnikowsky drugstore chain and dm stores in Ratzeburg and Geesthacht also witnessed a noticeable surge in test sales. This trend is reflective of the growing anxiety surrounding the resurgence of the virus as the colder months approach.

In addition to the increased demand for corona tests, the need for respiratory masks has also seen a rise. Both drugstore chains and pharmacies have reported an uptick in sales of FFP2 masks. However, Dr. Flemmig stated that he has not observed a higher demand for general mouth and nose protection. He attributes this to the fact that masks are no longer compulsory in all doctor’s offices. Nevertheless, as a precaution, he has ordered a larger quantity of masks for his pharmacy.

Despite these concerns, Dr. Gregor Naths, a specialist in internal medicine and pulmonology at the DRK Hospital Mölln-Ratzeburg, remains optimistic about facing the challenges of the upcoming season. He stated that the hospital is currently in a relaxed state, with only one patient being treated for an acute corona infection, albeit not a severe case. However, he anticipates an increase in both corona and influenza cases as autumn progresses. Dr. Naths believes that the majority of the population either being vaccinated or having prior exposure to the virus will help prevent a major “corona situation.”

However, the flu remains a cause for concern, as it has shown a significant presence in the southern hemisphere in recent months. Dr. Naths foresees the flu wave hitting the region during autumn and winter, leading to potential staff absences due to respiratory illnesses. Nevertheless, he does not anticipate the need to close any hospital wards as was seen during the pandemic’s peak. He also noted that an increasing number of people are getting vaccinated against the flu, further helping to combat the spread of respiratory diseases.

Drawing from their experiences with the corona pandemic and the H1N1 influenza outbreak in 2009/2010, the DRK Hospital Mölln-Ratzeburg is well-prepared to tackle waves of illness. The hospital has a crisis team, which was activated during the pandemic and can be reactivated if necessary. Additionally, plans are in place to acquire a testing device for the emergency room that can quickly determine whether an individual has been infected with corona, influenza, or RSV through a nose or throat swab.

On the statistical front, although the number of reported corona infections is increasing, the overall level remains relatively low, stated district spokesman Tobias Frohnert. The seven-day incidence rate in the Duchy of Lauenburg is currently 16.2, a far cry from the incidence values around 500 seen in previous pandemic times. However, Frohnert emphasized that these numbers only represent cases where the SARS-CoV-2 pathogen was detected through testing. Due to limited testing, the actual numbers are likely higher.

From a public health perspective, Frohnert indicated that no measures similar to those seen during the peak of the pandemic are expected at this time. Neither the health department nor the Robert Koch Institute has issued any special recommendations regarding the coronavirus. Instead, the focus remains on general hygiene practices, such as hand hygiene and proper coughing or sneezing etiquette. Dr. Naths also encourages individuals to consult with their family doctors regarding the recommended vaccinations, including the coronavirus booster shot. Furthermore, individuals who feel more secure wearing masks in public are encouraged to do so.

As the cold season approaches, individuals and healthcare facilities alike are taking necessary precautions to navigate the potential challenges that lie ahead. With a diligent focus on testing, vaccinations, and general hygiene practices, the hope is to minimize the impact of both the corona and flu viruses in the coming months.

#Corona #flu #Duchy #Lauenburg #DRK #hospital #prepared

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