“Increased self-harm among the little ones”

by time news

After the pandemic “acts of self-harm among the children I see at school have increased. A phenomenon that, if until a few years ago was more typical of older children, has now become common even among children even under the age of 11”. Cristian Pagliariccio, psychologist of the developmental age and expert in school psychology for the Order of Psychologists of Lazio, says this to time.news Salute.

“For boys the most frequent gestures are punches on the wall or on the doors, for girls instead – says the psychologist – more cuts and burns. From what I see, they are phenomena that are increasing a lot”. And “this happens – explains Pagliariccio – both for a form of ‘contagion’ with older siblings but also for dysfunctional experiences such as, for example, entering a chat without the supervision of an adult where it happens that when asking for advice, advice of this type also arrives. “.

“I happened to see – reports the expert who works in the school environment – that burns are on the increase. Voluntary burns procured with the lighter. it had caused many small burns on the legs. It is an attempt to manage pain or emotions, a totally dysfunctional form of ‘self-medication’ in which one learns to manage the pain with other pain and this is not good “.

Another worrying sign recorded by the doctor in the last period “and that gives me concern” is “the increase in bullying between brothers and sisters. More and more often the older one beats the younger because he is nervous and thus venting his anger. a phenomenon that creates deep emotional wounds because – highlights the expert – it is a form of aggression experienced in a very strong way, seen as a sort of betrayal by an affection that we look at as a model to imitate, a personal myth that however reacts with violence only because he cannot manage his anger or anxiety or pain “.

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