Increased traffic on high-speed lines by 11.6 percent until May

by time news

2023-06-24 00:00:00

(23/06/2023)style=”text-align: justify;”>

Rail traffic rose to 82.5 million train-kilometres up to May 2023 and was 11.6 percent higher than that registered in the first five months of the previous year. This evolution is explained by the entry of new operators due to the liberalization process -Spain is the first European country with three railway companies in the market-, the progressive recovery of traffic and the commissioning of new high-speed lines, which They already exceed 4,000 kilometers and consolidate Spain’s leadership in this field.

By type of services, the most significant increase occurs in long-distance traffic, 33.4 percent, being even more accentuated in the Adif AV network, with 39.2 percent, consolidating traffic above the levels prior to the pandemic. Local and interurban traffic in the period increased by 4.6 percent.

By axes, in high-speed lines, the growth of the Madrid-Levante high-speed line stands out, 80.5 percent, driven by the entry of new operators and more high-speed kilometers in service; followed by Madrid-Barcelona with 45.4 percent, Madrid-Andaluca with 20.9 percent, and Madrid-Valladolid Len-Zamora-Galicia with 18.3 percent).

In conventional lines, the greatest growth in traffic was recorded on the Madrid-Alcazar-Crdoba-Sevilla-Cdiz line, 9.9 percent, followed by the Venta de Baos-Len-Orense-Vigo line, which grew by 2 .8 percent. The number of travelers between January and May 2023 increased by 7.9 percent. In the stations owned by Adif AV, this growth was 26.2 percent.

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