Index seniors: a potentially heavy sanction for companies

by time news

Posted Jan 12, 2023, 6:44 PMUpdated on Jan 12, 2023 at 6:52 p.m.

The copy of the government on the employment of seniors is becoming clearer. Companies could face a penalty of up to 1% of payroll if they do not publish the index on seniors created by the pension reform to encourage companies to keep older employees.

At a time when France is seen as a bad student in terms of employment of seniors, the index “aims to objectify the place of seniors in business, to ensure transparency in terms of age management and promote good practices”, specifies the amended Social Security financing bill (PLFSSR) to which “Les Echos” had access.

Penalties for the benefit of the CNAV

As expected, the text does not specify the exact content of the index and its various parameters which will be defined with the unions and employers and may be adapted according to the professional branches. But it is expected that companies will make “all the indicators public, through external communication and within the company and also transmit them to the Ministry of Labor”.

​If a company does not publish the requested information, they will have to pay a “contribution” of up to 1% of the payroll. Its amount will be fixed by the “administrative authority”. And this, “depending on the efforts observed in the company in terms of employment of seniors as well as the reasons for its failure”, specifies the project which will have to be clarified on this point by decree.

The “contribution” will be paid to the CNAV which manages the basic pension for private sector employees. The publication obligation will apply from 2023 in companies with more than 1,000 employees and from July 2024 in those with more than 300 employees.

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The creation of an index seniors annoys within employers where it is argued that it is difficult to build a relevant indicator given the diversity of companies. It is also struggling to convince the unions, already united in protest against the postponement of the legal age from 62 to 64 and the accelerated extension of the contribution period from 42 to 43 years.

“The senior index, I have nothing against it, but honestly it’s bogus,” said François Hommeril, president of the CFE-CGC, interviewed on RTL on Thursday. “You have to say things frankly. There’s been a gender equality index that’s been around for five years, I don’t believe you’re opening your newspapers to comment on the result of the gender equality index, everyone nobody cares. »

The government assures that with its reform, the employment rate of seniors over the age of 60 will increase by 2 points from 2025 and by 6 points from 2030.

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