India Angered by China’s Contested Territory Map: Comment on the Story

by time news

India Protests China’s New Map Claiming Disputed Territory, Threatening Relationship
September 3, 2021

New Delhi – India has expressed anger over a new map published by the Chinese government that shows Beijing’s claims to contested territory. The publication of the map has sparked a potential flare-up in relations between the two Asian giants at a crucial diplomatic juncture.

The Chinese government’s annual “standard map” has raised concerns in India, as it typically includes Arunachal Pradesh, a state in India’s far northeast, as part of China. Arunachal Pradesh is governed by India but has long been claimed by China as “southern Tibet.” The region was a site of conflict during a war between the two nations in 1962.

In response, India’s Foreign Ministry spokesman, Arindam Bagchi, stated that India has lodged an official protest against the map. This move highlights the seriousness with which India views China’s territorial claims.

India was not the only country to criticize China’s claims. Malaysia and Taiwan also joined in condemning China’s claims over the South China Sea and self-ruled Taiwan. The Philippines also rejected the map’s depiction of Chinese maritime claims.

Speculation has been mounting in recent weeks regarding a potential settlement of the border dispute between Chinese leader Xi Jinping and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The dispute has persisted since 2020, resulting in military clashes and a costly buildup by both sides. During a summit of the BRICS bloc, which includes Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, the leaders pledged to intensify efforts to resolve the dispute. However, the release of the new map by China complicates these negotiations.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin responded to India’s concerns by stating that the maps are released routinely and urged India to stay objective and calm. However, analysts argue that China’s release of the map, immediately after the BRICS summit and ahead of the upcoming G-20 summit, is significant. It underscores China’s inflexible stance on its revisionist claims, indicating that it is unlikely to back down.

Furthermore, there are reports suggesting that Xi may skip attending the G-20 summit in New Delhi. Xi has never missed a G-20 summit since becoming president in 2013, and his absence would be seen as a snub to India. It would also undermine India’s efforts to promote the event and showcase Modi’s influence as an international broker with ties to both the U.S.-led Western alliance and other blocs.

India’s diplomatic push has faced setbacks this year, with G-20 countries failing to reach consensus on various issues. This includes the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and disagreements regarding fossil fuels. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has also announced that Russian President Vladimir Putin will not be attending the summit due to his busy schedule.

Despite these challenges, several top leaders, including President Biden, French President Emmanuel Macron, and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, have confirmed their attendance at the G-20 summit, scheduled to take place on September 9-10.

The release of the controversial map and the potential absence of President Xi Jinping at the G-20 summit in India pose significant challenges to the already strained relationship between India and China. The coming weeks will determine whether the two nations can find common ground and ease tensions or if the dispute will escalate further.

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