India is preparing Armenia for war together with France – 2024-03-12 23:54:10

by times news cr

2024-03-12 23:54:10

Author: Elchin Alioglu

Source: Trend

The joint working group created by Indian companies “Hindustan Aeronautics Limited” (HAL) and “Container Corporation India” (CONCOR) has started “export of strategic cargo” to Armenia.

“Having a strategic air cargo export business, HALCON aims to establish itself as a major player in the Indian logistics market. The company will benefit from HAL’s expertise in aerospace and defense technologies, and CONCOR’s expertise in container transportation and logistics management. Strategically located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia Armenia, where Armenia is located, is a profitable market for India’s export operations. Armenia’s growing economy and growing trade relations with India show great potential for mutual cooperation. HALCON’s entry into Armenia’s air cargo market not only strengthens bilateral trade relations, but also strengthens India’s position in the South Caucasus,” HALCON’s said in the statement.

HALCON also carried out the first cargo transportation operation from India to Armenia.

Military equipment was transported from India to Armenia by the “Ilyushin Il-76 TD” cargo plane belonging to the “Gelix Airlines” airline company headquartered in Perm, Russia.

The “Il 76-TD” cargo plane took off from the Nashik airport in the Indian state of Maharashtra, flew with the flight “RA-76360” and landed at the “Zvartnos” airport in Yerevan.

The payload of the aircraft was 214 mm “Pinaka Mk-1” rocket launcher systems (RYAS). 4 “Pinakas”, necessary spare parts, shells, etc. were delivered to Armenians with this flight, which was carried out within the framework of 4 agreements worth 442.2 million dollars signed between Armenia and India last year. delivered.

Thus, after declaring that Delhi had created an “air corridor” for the arming of Armenians, it made its statement a reality.

The opening of the strategic air route from India to Armenia took place with the passage of the route through the skies of Iran.

Of course, because Azerbaijan does not allow planes carrying military equipment and ammunition to pass through our skies for the process of arming Armenia, Delhi and Yerevan chose Iran as the optimal transit destination.

Along this route, along with “Pinakas”, 155 mm “MArG 155” and ATAGS long-range artillery systems, “Swathi” mobile radar systems, “Akash” air defense RLS and “Akash-SAM” anti-aircraft missile systems, shells, rockets, ammunition, ammunition, etc. intended to be transported.

The executor of the process is India, and the author, orderer and supervisor is France.

In 1914-1918, 1939-1945, France used Moroccan, Tunisian, Libyan, and Senegalese soldiers in military operations under the name of “black soldiers”, this time it chose Armenians as means and tools.

Thus, the official Paris intends to take advantage of Karabakh Armenians who voluntarily left Azerbaijan and settled in Armenia and former members of the armed units of the former separatist junta in Khankendi.

Within the framework of the military-technical cooperation agreement signed between Paris and Yerevan, the fields of activity of the French instructors who went to Armenia and gave training to the remnants of the Armenian army have been somewhat expanded.

They started to prepare separate, special-purpose mountain-shooting units consisting of Armenians from Karabakh.

France intends to use these units against Russia in military operations in Ukraine.

At the same time, those Armenians are intended for armed provocations against Azerbaijan.

One of the contours of French President Emmanuel Macron’s policy regarding the South Caucasus is to quickly arm Armenia, increase tensions in the region to the maximum and achieve new military operations between Baku and Yerevan.

In order to realize its goals, France is arming Armenia through its allies Greece, Cyprus and India regarding the “Armenian issue” in our region.

According to the plan prepared in Paris on the instructions of Emmanuel Macron, a new armed conflict should begin on the conventional state border between Armenia and Azerbaijan “when the time is right”. The conflict should start with the Armenian military or “volunteers” at the Armenian positions on the conventional border firing at the positions of Azerbaijan.

The goal is to seize the territories freed from the Armenian occupation by the Azerbaijani Army in 2021 and 2022 and returned to the control of our country with a “lightning quick operation”.

Official Iravan considers those territories “Armenian lands” and says that “Azerbaijan entered the territory of Armenia and occupied a part of our lands.”

The activation of Armenians near the border, the construction of new positions, the continuous arrival of members of the European Union Monitoring Mission in Armenia (EUMA) to those positions and their attempts to conduct visual reconnaissance – all this is continuously monitored and recorded by our military.

Of course, if our positions are fired upon, if the Armenians resort to armed provocation, they will definitely receive the most severe response.

According to France’s scenario, this is what Armenia needs. The Armenian diaspora in Western countries, states that fully support Armenians, politicians, and mass media will immediately, without delay, launch a large-scale campaign and present what is happening as “Azerbaijan’s aggression against Armenia”.

Russia will not interfere in the process, and France will take advantage of this and organize protest actions of Armenians in front of the 102nd base in Gyumri, Armenia: Armenians will demand that the Russian military leave Armenia, and that the base be closed.

Under the direct control of Paris, information ground has been being prepared for such a scenario in the West for months.

The sale of arms and military equipment produced in India under a French license to Armenia is also an integral part of E. Macron’s strategy for our region.

The latest innovation of the Elysee Palace, which first wishes to bring Armenia and then the entire South Caucasus under the total control of the West, is the creation of a strategic air transport route between India and Armenia.

It is not surprising that planes pass through Iranian skies: Tehran and Paris have been unofficial partners for many years and easily become situational allies in places where their interests coincide.

The point that reconciles the interests of India and Iran is the opening of the route for the export of goods and products to Europe.

It is known that China is trying to bring its products to the European markets by trying to implement the “One Belt One Road” route. It is for this reason that India is looking for alternative routes and does not want to join the project of China, which is its strategic ally and geopolitical enemy.

While the countries participating in the “Asia-Pacific countries-China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan-Turkmenistan-Azerbaijan-Turkey-Europe” (CASCA+) multimodal transport corridor project are discussing the tariffs for transportation along the mentioned route, India is rapidly negotiating with Armenia and Imran to use a new exit route for its products to Europe. wants

Delhi wants that route to start in India and extend to Iran’s Bandar-Abbas or Chahbahar ports by ships, from there to the Armenian border by rail, and from there to Georgia’s Poti or Batumi ports – possibly the built Anaklia port – and finally to the European Union.

Taking advantage of the situation, Iran wants to gain additional influence over its strategic partner Armenia and further activate relations with India by participating in the project.

However, Iran attacks its own interests first, because the strengthening of France’s positions in Armenia and the increase of Paris’ pressure levers on Yerevan also mean that NATO acquires stable and stable positions in Armenia.

This is the NATO that can use the territory of Armenia to attack Iran if it deems it necessary.

Is Iran, which wants to take advantage of Armenia and France, aware that it is taking advantage of itself?

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