India successfully launches Earth observation satellite (Video, photos)

by times news cr

2024-08-18 14:28:59

The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) successfully launched the Small Satellite Launch Vehicle (SSLV-D3) on its third and final test flight carrying the EOS-08 Earth observation satellite, reported Xinhua. The satellite will measure the effects of ultraviolet radiation.

The launch was broadcast live on Indian television channels.

An SSLVD-3 launch vehicle took off from the spaceport on the island of Sriharikota in the southeast of the country.

“This is the third flight of the SSLV that has been successful. SSLV-D3 launched EOS-08 into orbit,” ISRO said in a brief statement posted on social media. This is the successful completion of the project to create SSLVD 3. It will now be produced for commercial missions.”

The EOS-8 satellite will monitor volcanic activity and measure the effects of ultraviolet light. The data obtained is planned to help develop a tool to measure the ultraviolet radiation that astronauts are exposed to during a mission and what is the risk of getting cancer, writes BTA.

The Indian launch vehicle has a height of 34 meters, a weight of 120 tons and a payload of 500 kg. It is designed to launch satellites into low Earth orbit. Its development by the leading Indian space agency aims to strengthen the South Asian country’s position in the global space launch market.

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