Indian Supreme Court rules compulsory vaccination unconstitutional

by time news – “Physical integrity”, “personal autonomy”, two ethical considerations so obvious, yet banished from political and business decisions, which have disfigured the idea that the world had of the rule of law. A decision of the largest democracy in the world, as it is customary to call it, comes to restore them. This Monday, May 2, the Supreme Court of India ruled: no one can be forced to submit to “vaccines” against Covid-19.

Recalling the fundamental right to information, another concept brutally eradicated from public debate for two years, judges BR Gavai and L. Nageswara also requested that data on the adverse effects of injections be made public.

“With regard to the violation of physical integrity and individual autonomy, with regard to vaccines and other health measures introduced to combat the Covid-19 pandemic, our opinion is that physical integrity is protected in the under Article 21 of the Constitution and that no individual may be forced to be vaccinated. Furthermore, the personal autonomy of an individual, which is one of the aspects recognized under the protections guaranteed by 21, implies the right to refuse any medical treatment in the sphere of individual health”.

The Court saw fit to add that no scientific data was submitted to them which refutes the allegation of the civil parties, according to which the risk of transmission was equal between vaccinated and non-vaccinated. In doing so, the Court considered that the argument that this injection would target herd health was not based on any scientific basis. The Indian Supreme Court has also clarified that people who do not wish to be vaccinated because of their personal convictions or beliefs, can avoid it without anyone being able to exert any physical pressure to force them to do so.

This legal victory is the result, as always, of the resilience and courage of a few people who stand out above the obedient mass. Yohan Tengra, of the Awaken India movement, is one of them. He managed to unite lawyers within the Indian Bar Association to carry out this fight, instance by instance, failure after failure, until Monday’s victory.

However, Awaken India does not intend to stop there. Interviewed by the organization World Council for Health (WCHT), Tengra believes that the next battle is to “recover the money obtained by extortion”, alluding to what the injections and all the covid measures. Awaken India also wants to obtain, now that it has been shown that all of these measures were illegal, the conviction before a criminal court of the politicians who imposed them.

The Constitution is the mother of laws, in that it encloses in this sacred charter the moral pillars of a nation. And if it exists, it is precisely to prevent any circumstantial majority from breaking the transgenerational moral contract, under cover of exceptional circumstances. The dystopian measures taken under the rule of law eclipse are just that: the breaking of a nation’s moral contract. The eradication of the values ​​that link the founding fathers and the generations that follow around non-negotiable principles, so much have they been uprooted by the discontinuous effort of each link in history. The words of the Indian Supreme Court painfully echo the affront made to the Constitution in France and, by effect of imitation, with other old democracies.

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