Indian tech who became millionaire at 17

by time news

‘Ponnuku nakatosham iruku’ .. Midnight puja held for a college student at the ashram .. The shock that awaited in the morning ..!


Ivan Singh Loutra from Delhi. He learned computer coding at his father’s call center when he was 12 years old. Following this, he started developing and selling his own mobile app and website by the age of 15.

Mobile App

Millions of users have started using the apps created by Ivan Singh Loutra. He became a millionaire at the age of 17 by selling the 30 mobile apps he created to millions of customers.

Apple Steve Jobs

Ivan Singh Louthra got in touch with Apple co-founder Steve Jobs. This was followed by a call from important people around the world for advice on the Apple App Store. Ivan Singh Louthra was one of them.


He is currently creating and investing in more than 300 companies. Ivan Singh Louthra hopes to become a billionaire in his 30s. Information about him has surfaced on the internet and has taken Netizens by surprise.

It has been 2 days since the marriage .. The newlyweds who went back home .. This is how Nenakkalaye .. The family drowned in sorrow ..!

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