Indigenous authorities announce mobilizations, rule out blockades and describe the MP’s actions as “spurious”

by time news

2023-11-21 20:17:38

Leaders of indigenous peoples held a press conference to announce that starting this Tuesday, November 21, citizen mobilizations will begin in the capital and departments in rejection of the recent investigation carried out by the Public Ministry (MP) for the takeover of the University of San Carlos (Usac) and that involves the elected presidential duo.

In addition, they indicated that they will not carry out blockades at any point as occurred a few weeks ago, although they did not clarify the places or dates on which the mobilizations will take place.

Ancestral authorities continue to request the resignation of Attorney General María Consuelo Porras and other officials.

Luis Pacheco, president of the 48 Cantons of Totonicapán, reported that they continue in resistance and indicated that they have spoken of unity and peace.

He said that unity is reflected in peaceful resistance in defense of democracy in the face of the “spurious actions” taken by the MP.

He called for sanity “so that they do not start with criminalization, so that they do not create criminal figures that do not exist.”

He said that it is false that they are organizing blockades and according to Pacheco, it is not the 48 Cantons or any other indigenous authority that is motivating blockades.

He announced that they will continue with resistance points and these could be expanded, but not blockades.

He indicated that the indigenous authorities’ actions are based on a collective obligation that comes from the population and now they are looking for a way to criminalize the aforementioned authorities for the demonstrations.

He affirmed that the peaceful resistance will continue, although he did not detail the places and dates.

Pacheco stressed that they are waiting for a date to continue the dialogue, which he described as good with the different authorities.

He pointed out that the alleged intention to evict the demonstration in front of the MP headquarters in Gerona, zone 1 of the capital, could be rumors, since there is a dialogue.

On another topic, he added that the people elected at the polls have to receive their positions on January 14.

He reiterated that they will continue the peaceful demonstration and reject violence and provocations.

The ancestral authorities also issued a statement in which they expressed their position regarding the current national situation.

Also read: APG demands that CSJ resolve the protection they presented in May and calls for a national protest

They indicated that the ancestral authorities of Totonicapán, Sololá, Santa Lucía Utatlán, Ixiles, Xincas, Chortí and Chichicastenango, Huehuetenango, Chimaltenango and other territories, in union with social and popular organizations, are convinced that unity is the way to defend the democracy “in the face of the attempts of a minority that wants to annul the elections, override the law and prevent the constitutionally elected authorities from taking office.”

“We reject that the Public Ministry once again attacks the little democracy that remains by mounting a spurious case about the USAC, where it criminalizes the presidential duo and elected deputies, who were investigated despite having the right to a pretrial; in addition to persecuting university students, professors, professionals and people who demonstrated with dignity by raising their voices against the illegalities that were committed in the election of the rector of USAC,” they added.

According to the statement, “the double objective of this accusation is to try to prevent the inauguration of the president and vice president-elect, as well as several deputies and to terrorize so that no one expresses themselves and expresses their opinion against the corruption and illegalities they commit. public officials.”

Luis Pacheco, president of the 48 Cantons of Totonicapán.

#Indigenous #authorities #announce #mobilizations #rule #blockades #describe #MPs #actions #spurious

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