Indigenous Peoples Day: the fight continues in defense of their territories, for life and the guarantee of rights

by time news

2023-04-25 20:33:54

The last census in the country records the existence of 305 indigenous peoples in Brazil.

By: CSP-Conlutas

Indigenous peoples have resisted and fought for more than 500 years against the invasion of their territories, ethnocide, violence, oppression and exploitation. This April 19, Day of the Indigenous Peoples, the date should serve to remember and strengthen that struggle and resistance.

According to preliminary data from the 2022 demographic census, there are around 1.6 million indigenous people throughout the country. There are 305 towns, each with its own language, organization and culture.

In the last four years, during the Bolsonaro government, a veritable extermination policy was fiercely applied to guarantee the interests and profits of agribusiness, large estates, mining companies, logging companies, land grabbers [grilheiros] and the gold miners [garimpo].

The barbarity experienced by the Yanomami, affected by hunger, malnutrition and deaths, which came to light at the beginning of this year, gives a dimension to the attacks of the extreme right, repeating the same practice adopted during the military dictatorship.

Bolsonaro did not make any demarcations, he dismantled and dismantled all the organizations and policies in defense of the original peoples and encouraged a speech of hate and prejudice.

However, indigenous peoples have faced violence and disrespect for their rights for more than 500 years, since the colonizing invasion, always having to fight in defense of their lives, their territories and their rights.

Demarcation, now!

According to data from Cimi (Conselho Missionário Indigenista), in all governments, from Fernando Henrique Cardosos (PSDB) to today, the number of demarcations has only decreased, coming to a complete standstill in the governments of Temer and Bolsonaro.

The invasion and disrespect for this ancestral right is at the root of the various forms of violence suffered by native peoples. Hence, the immediate demarcation of the territories is today one of the main demands.

“Without demarcated territories there is no guarantee of life and other rights,” says the indigenous Raquel Tremembé, member of the National Executive Secretariat of the CSP-Conlutas.

According to data from Funai (National Foundation of Indigenous Peoples), Brazil has around 680 regularized territories and more than 200 are awaiting analysis to be demarcated.

“In some cases, only one signature is needed. But up to now everything has stopped”, reports Raquel Tremembé.

“We need to be vigilant, mobilized and demand everything promised, so that, in fact, the Lula government stops the discourse and takes concrete actions. We are tired of so many indigenous people losing their lives, enough of the attacks, violence, robbery and disrespect,” he said.

Time Frame, no!

The fight so that the so-called thesis of the Temporary Framework, in trial in the STF (Supreme Federal Court), be buried once and for all, is another urgent demand of the indigenous peoples.

According to this thesis, the original peoples would have the right to the lands they occupy only until the date of promulgation of the 1988 Constitution, which is absurd. In addition to being unconstitutional, the measure ignores the forced transfers and expulsions suffered by indigenous peoples and ignores the fact that until 1988 indigenous peoples were prohibited from going to court to defend their rights.

The trial continues in the STF and continues to be the target of pressure from large-scale, mining, and logging sectors and all those who have an interest in invading, stealing, and exploiting indigenous lands in the country.

In addition to the Temporary Framework, there are also several bills in Congress against the demarcation of indigenous lands, for the exploitation of territories, legalization of deforestation and invasions by usurpers [acaparadores] of land, such as PLs 191/20, 490/07, PEC 215/00.

“There is no savior. He has to have a fight. For this reason, we must intensify the struggles and unity with the entire working class and supporters to guarantee our territories, defend our lives and rights”, affirms Raquel.

The recognition of the right of the native peoples to their territories is to guarantee life, health, rights, and the preservation of the environment. The CSP-Conlutas reaffirms its policy of unconditional defense of indigenous peoples, their claims and their culture.

Translation: Natalia Estrada.

#Indigenous #Peoples #Day #fight #continues #defense #territories #life #guarantee #rights

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