Industrial 5G is finally accelerating in France

by time news

On December 9, 2022, Free deployed 5G coverage on the 50,000 m2 site of Alcatel Submarine Networks, in Calais (Pas-de-Calais). ASN

Factory 4.0 experimentation projects are multiplying. A vital subject for the competitiveness of the sector.

A cockfight, telecom version. On December 9, 2022, Free proudly announces that it has completed the deployment of the “largest 5G factory in Europe”, on the 50.000m site2 of Alcatel Submarine Networks in Calais. Never mind: on February 2, Orange proclaimed the commissioning of the “largest 5G industrial network in France” with ArcelorMittal’s 5G Steel site in Dunkirk. Bouygues responds on March 9, unveiling a partnership with Siemens France and the digital services company Alten on industrial 5G.

Beyond the round effects, the question arises: while they are not very perceptible for the general public, are the benefits of the fifth mobile generation (5G), its reduced latency and its speeds increased by 10, in breaking into the industry? “We feel an acceleration in deployments, an appetite from operators and manufacturers”, we testify on the side of Arcep. Across the country, the telecom regulator counts 30 permanent deployments and no less…

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