Industries warn against burglary during building renovation

by time news

2023-07-19 04:00:00

Working on an attic

Companies see politics as having an obligation to make binding statements on building renovation.

(Photo: imago images / penofoto)

Berlin The debate about the heating law unsettles consumers – and prevents them from making energy-efficient renovations. The industries affected warn of the economic consequences and see the climate targets in the building sector in danger.

In a fire letter to the Federal Government and the Bundestag, together with consumer and climate protection associations, they are now calling for clear statements from politicians as quickly as possible. Parliament and the government would have to “launch a climate stimulus package for the entire building stock as a first step this summer”.

In addition, there is a need for a renovation program for public buildings. In addition, the funding conditions for comprehensive energy modernization would have to be restored. The letter is available to the Handelsblatt.

According to the initiators of the fire letter, politics bears a large part of the responsibility for the collapse in energy-efficient building renovation. “The political chaos of the last few weeks and months, coupled with the current general reluctance to invest, has caused a lot of confusion,” said Christian Noll, Executive Director of the German Energy Efficiency Initiative (Deneff).

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