INE appoints new coordinator of Social Communication

by times news cr

The president of the National Electoral Institute (INE), Guadalupe Taddei Zavalanamed Maria del Carmen Urias Palma as Head of Office of the National Coordination of Social Communication (CNCS), with the aim of implementing a new stage of communication between the institution and citizens.

María del Carmen Urías – who served as Head of the Transparency and Personal Data Protection Unit of the INE – holds a degree in Law and a Master’s degree in Public Administration from the Autonomous University of Chihuahua, as well as a Master’s degree in Political Communication and Strategic Governance from George Washington University.

In addition, she has specialized in political and institutional communication, electoral law, digital dialogue and has training in crisis management and lie detection through microexpressions.

According to his profile, his work seeks to contribute, through the use of digital platforms, to a more informed society, through transparent and responsible communications using citizen language.

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In 2019, she was appointed as Projects and Liaison Coordinator of the Television Channel of the General Congress of the United Mexican States, where she implemented a strategic vision that allowed her to make legislative work visible and bring it closer to the audience in a dynamic and attractive way, as well as setting the agenda with digital campaigns that involved legislators.

At this stage, Urías Palma supervised the contracts that involved the continuous improvements to the website of the Canal del Congreso de la Unión and, by authorizing the new developments of the same, provided citizens with timely information.

He also established the need for new features within the Congressional Channel’s mobile applications, promoted continuous improvement actions on digital platforms and directed the Channel’s social media productions with the 628 members of the Congress of the Union in the 64th and 65th Legislatures.

In 2020, María del Carmen Urías was awarded the Youth Leadership Award at the Napolitans Awards, which recognises promising young people in political consultancy under the age of 30.

In addition, in 2021, she was a finalist in the Reed Awards, organized by The Campaigns and Elections USA, in the categories “Best Digital Campaign in Latin America” and “Best International Campaign” for the #OctubreRosa campaign on the Congressional Channel’s social media in 2020.

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In 2021 and 2022, from the Projects and Liaison Coordination in collaboration with the Senate of the Republic, she created, organized and executed the International Congress of Good Practices in Parliamentary Communication in Latin America “COMPAR”, in which the heads and members of the legislative media in Latin America met with the aim of exchanging strategies and success stories in parliamentary communication.


2024-08-24 14:09:28

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