Inemuri: The Japanese Nap That Boosts Productivity – Benefits, How to Perform, and More

by time news

2024-01-23 01:01:56

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Inemuri: the Japanese nap that boosts your productivity


If your boss catches you napping at your desk, he probably won’t give you a raise. Still, a nap can improve your performance… if you adhere to a few conditions. In Japan they know all about it: they discovered the benefits of ‘Inemuri’ centuries ago.

Also read: Is an afternoon nap or ‘power nap’ really healthy?

What is Inemuri?

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Inemuri is an ancient Japanese practice that literally translates to “being present while you sleep.” In fact, it involves dozing off or sleeping in public. And it doesn’t matter where or under what circumstances: on public transport, at work or during a meeting. In Japanese culture, Inemuri is seen as a sign of dedication to your work. The person in question is so committed to his responsibilities that he can afford to doze off in public.

One of the reasons why sleeping in public is so common in Japan also has to do with Japanese sleeping habits. A 2015 study found that almost 40% of adults sleep less than 6 hours per night.

Also read: Do you need less sleep or do you sleep worse as you get older?

How is Inemuri performed?

Although Inemuri is widely accepted in Japan, there are certain implicit social rules that you must respect. Inemuri is a power nap of no more than 15 minutes. It’s actually more of a quick energy break than a deep sleep. The nap should also be taken while sitting. Even though the sleeper is mentally “absent,” he or she must be able to return to the current social situation when an active contribution is required.

Also read: Should you sleep 8 hours a night?

What are the benefits of a power nap?

A power nap should last a maximum of 20 minutes to be useful. In that case:

  • improves alertness.
  • reduces fatigue.
  • improves mood and reduces stress levels.
  • improve cognitive (memory, concentration) and physical performance.
  • productivity gets a boost.
  • improves heart health.

Longer naps can lead to a feeling of drowsiness, also known as “sleep inertia.” It is also advisable not to take naps too late in the day so as not to disrupt sleep.

Also read: Is snoozing good or bad for you?


Last updated: January 2024

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