Inep releases Encceja 2023 results

by time news

2023-12-26 22:44:36

In 2023, the Instituto Federal Fluminense will certify candidates for completing secondary education, and Colégio Pedro II, elementary education

The individual results of the National Examination for Certification of Skills for Young People and Adults (Encceja) 2023 are now available on Encceja System. The test is a way for young people and adults who did not complete their studies at the appropriate age to receive a certificate of completion of primary and secondary education

The National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep), linked to the Ministry of Education (MEC), also released the results of the Encceja Exterior and the version of the exam for young people and adults subjected to custodial sentences (PPL) abroad . In 2023, the Instituto Federal Fluminense will certify candidates for completing secondary education, and Colégio Pedro II, elementary education.


Carried out by Inep since 2002, on a voluntary and free basis, Encceja assesses skills, abilities and knowledge acquired in the school or extra-school process. The exam has four applications, with different notices and schedules:

Encceja Nacional for residents of Brazil;

Encceja Nacional PPL, for residents in Brazil deprived of liberty or who comply with socio-educational measures;

Encceja Exterior, for Brazilians residing abroad;

Encceja Exterior PPL, for residents abroad deprived of liberty or who comply with socio-educational measures.



Applications outside Brazil are made in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MRE). The tests are administered in a single day, in the morning and afternoon shifts. In 2023, the application took place in August.

This exam consists of four objective tests, each with 30 multiple-choice questions, in addition to an essay. Objective tests evaluate areas of knowledge and respective curricular components of elementary and secondary education.

Encceja also serves to guide the implementation of policies to improve the quality of education for young people and adults, in addition to enabling the development of studies and indicators on the Brazilian educational system.

The 2023 exam notices are available on Encceja website. The number 0800 616161 is available for more information. The information is from Agência Brasil.


#Inep #releases #Encceja #results

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