Inês Castel-Branco admits morbid habit – Ferver

by time news

Actress Inês Castel-Branco was invited by Rui Maria Pêgo for a frank conversation on the podcast ‘Desobre da Língua’, on Rádio Comercial, and admitted that she has a morbid side: she is addicted to ‘true crime’ content (narratives about crimes that really happened) and likes to see dead bodies.

“Yes, I have a very morbid side. I like crime things and, well, I have a very peculiar habit of going to the Judiciary Police website to see photographs of unidentified corpses. It’s not that I’m going to meet anyone… I have a morbid curiosity to understand death”stated the artist. “When I’m listening to podcasts or crime documentaries, the smell that people talk about from the corpse… which I imagine is rotten meat… I’ve never been around one, but I’m very curious… I’d like to go to a morgue… There is a side of death that fascinates me”he added.

On the program ‘5 to Midnight’, the 42-year-old actress had already made the same confession to Filomena Cautela and Inês Lopes Gonçalves, admitting that she often went to the Judiciary Police website in an attempt to see dead people.

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