Inflation compensation, fuel discount, pension increase… what aid for purchasing power can you claim?

by time news

Measures to cushion the rise in prices. From the establishment of a new inflation allowance for low-income families to the extension of the fuel discount through the revaluations of the RSA, the AAH or pensions, the government is at work. Overview of the measures already adopted or announced to deal with inflation, which in May reached 5.2% over one year.

A new inflation allowance for food

Pending the possible creation of a specific food voucher intended for low-income households to buy healthy products, the implementation of which has been postponed, Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne announced on Tuesday the implementation of a new inflation allowance to intended for low-income families.

This boost will be distributed “at the start of the school year” and “directly to the bank account at once”, depending on the composition of the families, according to the head of government. The amount ? It has not been specified, nor the number of households that will benefit. Between “three and six million households” could benefit from it, it is estimated in the entourage of the Prime Minister. The latter, however, assured that the reflection continued on a food check more targeted on “quality” and “organic” products. Also this Wednesday, Olivia Grégoire, the government spokeswoman, indicated that “after the emergency food aid there will be support with the aim of improving quality, allowing the most vulnerable French people to feed themselves with healthy, organic, local products.

The extension of the fuel discount

Fuel will cost (slightly) less this summer again. The government has decided to extend at least until the end of August the fuel discount of 18 cents (in mainland France), introduced since April 1, and which was to cost the State 3 billion euros for the period from April. to June. Beyond the summer period, a device more targeted at large riders should take over.

The tariff shield, which involves capping electricity and gas prices, has been extended until the end of the year. It will cost 14 billion euros over the year 2022, according to an estimate by Bercy last March.

Pensions indexed to inflation, RSA and AAH revalued

Retirement pensions will be indexed to inflation from the July retirement, paid on August 9, thanks to a second piece of legislation dedicated to purchasing power. Labor Minister Olivier Dussopt confirmed this at the end of May. This indexation concerns basic pensions: supplementary pensions are managed by the social partners. Elisabeth Borne announced on Tuesday that the increase would be 4%, which is close to inflation which exceeded 5% over one year in May (5.2%), after the automatic revaluation of just over 1 % occurred in January.

The Active Solidarity Income (RSA) and the Disabled Adult Allowance (AAH), but also other social benefits such as the Solidarity Income (RSO), will also be increased – a first increase of 1.8% had taken place in April. The government has not yet disclosed the amount of this revaluation. According to Les Echos, these minima and benefits will increase by 4%, at a cost of 2 billion euros, which would be added to the 5 billion euros needed for pensions.

Finally, the index point for civil servants, which serves as the basis for their remuneration, will be increased this summer. Public service unions are asking for between 3% for the CFDT and 20% for the CFTC. A 1% increase would cost the state 2 billion euros a year, according to the government.

A reduction in certain charges

The ceiling of the exceptional tax-free and desocialized purchasing power bonus, known as the Macron bonus, will be tripled. Companies will therefore be able to pay up to 3,000 euros to their employees. A reduction in the contributions of the self-employed is also planned. It should allow them to earn “550 euros per year at the level of the minimum wage”, assured mid-May the spokesperson for the former government, Gabriel Attal.

The abolition of the audiovisual license fee

As announced by Emmanuel Macron during his campaign, the audiovisual license fee will be abolished. The measure will be effective next fall, with a gain for households of 138 euros, and a shortfall for the State of more than 3 billion euros net.

Elisabeth Borne has also asked her government to work on measures for students. An extension of the university restaurant ticket at 1 euro is in the pipeline. Finally, consultations are held to try to reduce the future revaluation of rents, the reference index of rents being indexed to inflation. The option of a total freeze seems ruled out, according to players in the sector, but the method of calculating the index could be adapted.

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