Inflation: Elisabeth Borne promises new measures and sets the timetable for reforms

by time news

Like the teachers, the ministers wanted to show that back-to-school time had indeed arrived. This is why the government met at the end of the Council of Ministers for a government seminar. The task promises to be difficult as the economic and international context is complicated. Inflation is spreading to the country and the war in Ukraine is casting very concrete doubts on the country’s ability to have enough gas and electricity this winter.

Elisabeth Borne is also careful not to hide this reality. It concedes a “real risk” of a gas shortage. “We are living in a period of changeover,” she concedes. “At the international or environmental level, some of the risks that have been foreseen for several years now belong to the daily life of the French”. For her, the time is no longer for denunciation, but indeed for action. “The defense of our values ​​has a price, continues the chief executive. To make this observation is not to play with fears, it is to play with transparency. It means proposing solutions and taking responsibility for discussing them. »

Many bills on the table

This is exactly what Elisabeth Borne tried to do facing the camera. After recalling the measures taken in favor of the purchasing power of the French, Élisabeth Borne promised new ones, which should arrive “in the coming days” in order to cope with rising prices. The government should soon publish a list of 60 priorities, “accompanied by targeted objectives”. 60 priorities, and four battles to fight: ecological transition, full employment, sovereignty and equal opportunities. With the following credo: “No debt increase, no tax increase”.

To conclude, Élisabeth Borne gave the outline of the calendar of future bills. The train will leave in September, with the first texts on unemployment insurance, the development of renewable energies or even the programming law of the Ministry of the Interior. Of course, the budgetary texts will follow, before the launch of reflections on “the evolution of institutions” or even the launch of the consultation on the end of life, before the end of the year.

The year 2023 should also be busy with the military programming law, a text on everyday justice, the climate energy programming law. Among the other projects that will be launched next year: immigration, full employment, education and finally the Olympic and Paralympic Games. “Our government is on task! concluded Elisabeth Borne. All that will remain is to build majorities in the Assembly, the number one challenge since his government was appointed.

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