Inflation, interest rates: landing in sight?

by time news

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Recession, stagflation, major social crisis: some last year (2022) predicted (and sometimes still predict) an apocalyptic 2023. Others, on the contrary, see reasons to hope, to believe in a rebound, without excessive optimism. Will the inflation that disrupts the lives of billions of earthlings diminish or even stop? There is also the major issue of sharply rising interest rates in recent months, with significant monetary and budgetary consequences. Here again, we seem to be witnessing a lull, with central banks maintaining the course, but announcing an easing to come.


Laurence ScialomProfessor of Economics at the University of Paris X Nanterre, specialist in International Finance and author of ” Critical chronicles of the economy » (France Culture / Studyrama).

Laurence Scialom and Denis Cogneau around Bruno Faure. © RFI

In the second part of the show, we look at the economic legacy of French colonization, a topical subject when we know the criticisms from Africa on the management of natural resources, the awarding of public contracts, the presence of French companies or the reform of the CFA franc . On these points, the speech of the Senegalese opponent Ousmane Sonko on the antennas of RFI and France 24 recently marked the spirits.

Who benefited from colonization? Did France really make money? What situation did it leave at the time of independence, particularly in terms of inequalities and taxation? How has development aid evolved? Is an evolution in monetary relations possible?


Denis Cogneau, Professor at the Paris School of Economics, Director of Studies at the EHESS (School of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences) and Research Director at the IRD (Research Institute for Development). Author of ” A cheap empire, history and political economy of French colonization, 19th-21st century ” (Threshold).

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