Influencer exposes conversations and intimate photos of Zayn Malik – 02/08/2024

by time news

The directioners, as One Direction fans are known, woke up this Thursday morning, the 8th, with news that took them by surprise: Zayn Malik is involved in a controversy after influencer Sam Fischer shared photos and conversations on the web intimate relationships he had with the singer. Lost on tour? So, he takes his popcorn and follows here.

Well, it all started when Sam published a video on TikTok. The video was taken down by fans, but was republished on the samfisher98 account. In the record, she says that the interaction began when Zayn found her on Tinder, a dating app used worldwide, but, instead of chatting with her on the platform, the singer decided to ask her to chat in Instagram DM. Interactions began to take place in April 2023.

At first, the two were talking and maintained a casual relationship. Not believing it was him, Sam asked for some photos to prove he was actually contacting her. Zayn even sent some photos that had never been posted on social media, and then the relationship continued to evolve and they began to meet in an intimate way.

However, according to Sam, things started to change when the artist discovered that she had already had a relationship with a woman previously. Curious, Malik would have asked her to find a girl who would agree to have threesome sex with them. Fischer didn’t like the request very much at first, but ended up agreeing to try to find a friend who would agree to the request, but found it difficult to fulfill Zayn’s requirements:

– I mentioned to him that my last relationship had been with a woman and, since then, it was in his head that he wanted a threesome [uma relação íntima a três]. Every time he sent me a message, he asked me if I knew any women who would agree to participate in a threesome. I don’t have many options in my friends who would accept being in this type of relationship or they weren’t his type, the type he described. I had a friend, but at that moment, she didn’t accept it.

According to Sam, the singer continued to insist that she find another woman who was bisexual and agreed to have this type of intimate encounter with him. When she managed to find one that fit the requests, Zayn asked for everything to happen without the candidate knowing who he was:

– He wanted her to accept the threesome without knowing it was him. I understand that, but no woman would accept a threesome without knowing the details of that relationship. I was worried about how she would react not knowing this and how I would get her to accept it.

Sam said that they even discussed the matter, as she said she wasn’t very close to the girl mentioned. However, Malik was reportedly bothered by the nervousness of the affair and indicated that they should stop talking, as she was nervous. Fischer decided to try to talk to the woman and fulfill the artist’s request, but she couldn’t convince her without saying Zayn’s name. When telling what happened, he decided to allow Sam to tell him that he would be involved at the time.

When the deal was closed, Zayn seemed excited and continued sending new intimate photos to the influencer. Close to the day the meeting was to take place, the girl decided to cancel everything and Zayn became irritated with Sam:

– He was never able to deal with things not going his way. So I said she couldn’t meet us and he said this was a waste of time for him, that he could be making money in the meantime, he said maybe I didn’t want to share him or her so I would be lying about it [sobre a moça não poder encontrá-los]. And I defended myself, saying that I was doing everything for him, I didn’t want a threesome.

Despite the argument, Sam managed to arrange a new meeting and they promised that everything would happen without any external pressure. But, a few hours before, Zayn said that she couldn’t be there at the scheduled time and asked if they couldn’t get to his house earlier, however, the girl invited couldn’t because of work:

– He was acting like a spoiled child. I can’t show the messages because he called me, he was trying to stress me out and see me early. He was trying to convince me to see him sooner.

After the small fight, the two girls managed to arrive a little earlier than agreed, but Sam seemed very uncomfortable with the singer’s behavior. According to information from the influencer herself, they had fun together and she wouldn’t have any complaints, as Zayn paid a lot of attention to the girl who was invited to the moment, however, after the first time, the singer wanted to continue with the meetings. to three.

The influencer said that he continued to insist, but she was no longer interested in new meetings with friends or other people who could accept it. However, a few months later, she went back to looking for women who would accept dates in this style. Sam used dating apps, but made it clear that it was difficult to find a woman who responded quickly and fit the characteristics he wanted.

Zayn and Sam reportedly had a new fight after she sent a photo of a possible new candidate, but she still wasn’t sure if the girl would accept the date. The singer said that it was all a waste of time and Fischer should stop bothering him before he was sure things would happen. The influencer said that she was starting to get upset with him, as she was starting to have romantic feelings for him.

Sam even sent a message confessing her feelings and said that they should stop the relationship before she ended up hurt, but Zayn just ignored the message:

– Maybe I needed that, you know? It was fun and all, but that was it. A few months later he messaged me again, he was with his daughter, but he said he would be available soon and wanted to see me. I missed him, so I decided to talk to him again, but I should have held back.

They would have met again in January 2024, but Sam was already meeting another girl, that’s when she believed she could introduce the two and a new three-way meeting ended up happening, however, the influencer said it was the last time the two they met because everything went very bad.

The three would have gotten drunk, but Sam abused the alcohol, as, according to her, she was nervous about participating in another threesome. However, before they started something more intimate, the singer would have asked her to leave the room and leave him alone with the new girl.

– He asked me to leave and I freaked out. Like, he was asking, he was begging for this to happen and I finally managed to make it happen for him and we were just getting started and he wanted me to leave? His excuse was that I was excluding him, but it wasn’t intentional. The girl who was there told me that wasn’t the vibe she got, but he asked me to leave.

Sam decided to leave the room and leave the two alone, as she was irritated. In the messages she showed, Zayn says the opposite and asks why she left without any explanation and so early. Annoyed, the influencer sent a long text and began to feel that the singer was not on the same page as her.

– I would never let someone leave my house crying like that, but his ego was hurt, I think. The next two weeks, he was in France, and I ended up texting him and apologizing to him because I felt bad.

She confessed that she hoped he would apologize back, as she felt he had reacted wrongly and that the two of them could work things out. However, Zayn didn’t and things came to an end at that moment.

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