Influencers’ drifts: Bruno Le Maire defends the role of Booba and wants to frame the advertisements

by time news

Booba, a whistleblower in the eyes of the government? Questioned this Monday morning, the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire defended the role of the rapper in the fight against the excesses of influencers, and assured that the latter should be subject to the same rules as the traditional media.

Booba “is right to point out that there are abuses, that they are unacceptable. We will put an end to it, ”reacted the Minister of the Economy, questioned on the subject this Monday morning on France Info.

In recent months, rapper Booba has several times spoken publicly to denounce the excesses of several influencers, in particular those from reality TV, accused of sharing misleading advertisements and numerous scams.

Rules similar to those of the media

The controversy swelled as the Ministry of the Economy launched, in parallel, a series of round tables with actors from the middle of influence to determine good practices and consider rules to regulate this profession.

It is necessary “that the influencers are subject to the same rules to which you are subject to the radio, television, in the traditional media”, moreover indicated Bruno Le Maire, answering a question on the subject.

For example, “when you have an alcohol product placement, or other product placements, the legal notices must appear on the sites of the influencers, which is not the case today”, has illustrated the Minister.

After a consultation on the regulation of influencers in which nearly 19,000 people had participated in January on the site, a “conclusive meeting” is scheduled for Monday March 20 in Bercy before a press conference on the subject, learned the AFP to the ministry.

“We also want to give status to these influencers so that they are better protected,” added the Minister of the Economy, who also wants “to strengthen controls to ensure that the net is not the Wild West” . However, the device which will be presented next Monday will aim to “protect influencers, certainly not to stigmatize them”.

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