Infonavit announces new credit to buy land

by time news

Infonavit launched a new credit scheme for the purchase of land throughout the country.

Through the Crediterreno program, the beneficiaries of the institute will be able to request a loan of up to one million 900 thousand pesos for the purchase of land and then build a home on it.

To approve the credit, some of the conditions that the land must have is that it has services such as water, electricity and drainage, residential or mixed land use and is located within an urban development plan of the corresponding municipality.

With this program, Infonavit plans to place 2,000 loans for land in 2022.

In a conference, Carlos Martínez Velázquez, general director of Infonavit, said that this new credit scheme will trigger a healthy land purchase market, since many municipalities will see the incentive to formalize their land uses in order to market land.

This will generate an urban consolidation and an opening of a market that will have consequences for many years.

“The objective is that a house can be built to the taste of each worker, without the workers sticking to a single housing model that is not always the best for the climate, taste or family size,” said Martínez. Velazquez.

Infonavit estimates that of the 37 million households that exist in the country, 4 million are interested in building a home, of which 2.2 million want to acquire land to later build a house.

In addition, 60% of people seeking to improve or build their home intend to do so with their own resources, which prevents them from making quick, safe and formal decisions. Therefore, for Infonavit, giving a loan for land is “a task of financial inclusion,” said Martínez Velázquez.

Among the requirements to request the credit are reaching 980 points in Infonavit, having contributed 6 months in the last job, and not being older than 65 years.

For workers who live in the center and southeast of the country, the institute may grant a bonus of 134 or 109 points, as they are areas of high demand.

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